I like this picture it makes me think of endurance. Mustang horses have such an enduring quality to them. They are free-roaming horses in the Americas that were brought by the Spanish to America. They are known to have an enduring quality to them and have great stamina, physical courage and are bold and daring. I saw a group of Mustang horses that were statues near a fountain in Ft Worth, Texas and was so impressed by them they made me think of times in my life that have caused me to endure.
So I was led to complete a small exercise this evening I found online. I completed this exercise to clear my head and allow for some self-evaluation. I had no expectations, only was intending to write to clear my head. What I found in this exercise strengthened and encouraged some things in my life I realize I need to continue to attend to on a regular basis. Perhaps by being transparent I can also encourage your own personal growth.
Here is the exercise: Across the top of a blank piece of paper write across the top the titles: (Character Traits, Needs, Values, and Strengths & Motivations). Then add five to ten qualities beneath them:
My Character Traits: My Needs : My Values :My Strengths: Trustworthy . Resilient. Personable. Encourager. Deep Thinker. Perseverance. Balance.My Faith. Honesty. Integrity. Allowance. StabilityTaking time out for "myself" ...will energize me FOR everyone else. Friends. To Write . Have Comfort. Rest. Be Silent. Prayer.Cordial Introvert Fearless Leader Committed PeacefulMy Motivators: The Ocean. Hubby. Dreaming. Exercise. My Life's Work.
I found it awesome to know I have ways to self -soothe and find myself again. One of the most powerful introspective
thoughts considered here was the realization that: "I am one has power to take care of my needs."
Dream, motivate, inspire and GROW, today!
Are there people in your circle that ask you: "What do you need?" I don't know about you, but I don't have many friends like this. This is why it is pertinent I ask myself, this question often. I find that I often struggle because I don't take care of my needs and I don't allow God to take care of them, either. I can find myself with a really bad attitude and feeling restless when I take care of everyone else before me. NOT a good habit to develop.
What are your motivators? If you don't know, you should find out. Motivation keeps your purpose fueled. It's very important to keep your coals burning and never allow them to become cold. If you work on fueling your passion with great expectancy about what's on the horizon... you will begin to find answers and clear thinking come to you readily.
Learn to live your life WITH GREAT EXPECTATION. It's the greatest gift you can offer to yourself, your children, and your mate and to your future. God looks for expectation in you. Deut 4:29 - 31 says: "But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul. When you are in distress and all these things have happened to you, then in later days you will return to the Lord your God and obey him. For the Lord your God is a merciful God; He will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your forefathers, which he confirmed to them by oath." God lives and breathes covenant. If you agree to fulfill His part of the bargain, he will deliver the goods to you.
I have experienced more miracles during a period of five years of my life- (from 2005 to 2010) than I ever did. At first, I complained about them, because the changes and transition I had to go through required too much adjustment. Yet, I later decided I would stay in EXPECTATION (of good) and strive to DO MY VERY BEST, despite the odds. Luckily, I married the right person, and he helps to keep me motivated. Your life partner can be your saving grace. Make certain whom you choose to marry can also lift you up when you are down.
True self-evaluation can help you to see your vulnerabilities. These characteristics can then sometimes turn into amazing strengths. I placed under the "value column" the word: "Allowance". Giving yourself permission to live and be free to enjoy life; and to be tense-free and not always being in an industrious and dutiful mode ...can be a huge motivator. I am always adjusting, self-evaluating, yielding, purposing, helping, serving, adapting, and changing because change is how I grow. I find that I often desire to be in a state of growth, so I can frequently challenge myself. What I didn't realize is that this challenge - can also cause me to be on 'thought overload' so it has to have balance. It makes me feel like a turtle in its shell that sometimes wants to hibernate. Yet this is where the "deep thinker" identity is born. And...thusly, I gave birth to my writing skills, and more hopes and dreams to write for others, as well.
Dreams come true when you can recognize to WHOM you belong, and HOW you are motivated from within. You begin to travel outside of the norm and seek out new paths and re- ignite your passion and purpose on a higher level. Good self awareness causes one to grow - a lack of self-awareness or inability to be transparent and open minded can stagnate you.
Try this exercise yourself. Read more about your personality factors here and learn more about yourself, and think deeply. Reading this article by Raymond Cattell might help you to find out even more!