Almost all girls at some point in their life have wanted long and voluminous natural eyelashes. As some of you know, I love using natural products. So today, I’ll be sharing with you guys a little trick that I often use to make my eyelashes longer using natural products that are easily found in your kitchen or local grocery store. If you add this to your daily routine, I promise you’ll notice your lashes becoming not only longer and voluminous, but also healthier and stronger in a matter of 3-4 weeks!
- A disposable mascara wand (you could re-use this multiple times for this purpose)
- Olive oil, coconut oil, or castor oil (either one of these works well)
Dip your mascara wand into the oil. Then carefully, apply the oil onto your eyelashes, like you would with mascara. Make sure to aim for the roots of your lashes when applying the oil with your mascara wand. This way, the roots will have a chance of absorbing all the oil and really getting all the benefits.
- For greater results, use castor oil or an equal combination of all 3 oils
- Apply on a daily basis
- The longer you leave the oil on your lashes, the better and faster the results
- Apply on your lashes every night before heading to bed to avoid having oily lashes throughout the day or accidentally getting oil all over your face
- Wash the oil off your lashes using the regular face cleanser you normally use everyday
If you use this daily, you’ll notice your eyelashes becoming:
- Longer
- Voluminous
- Darker
- Stronger
- Healthier
I hope you guys enjoyed this little post!
Xo! -S