There’s a chap in our town who’s a keen allotment keeper. He grows so much stuff that often he will put a basket outside his house where you can buy vegetables. Driving past last week, I noticed the piles of booty and pulled over for a good old rummage. I snaffled up a bag of purple sprouting broccoli, a bag of leeks and a bag of parsnips – for the grand old price of £1.50. Dutifully posting the money through his door, I whizzed off home with my haul.
Last night we decided to do something with the leeks. I also had a bag of spring greens that needed using up. The leeks and greens were chopped up and soaked in cold water – this both cleans them up and brings anything slightly on the wilty side back to life.

Leek and spring greens
The leeks and greens were then sweated down with garlic and white wine, and a tub of creme fraiche was added at the end. This mixture was transferred into an oven-proof dish. We then added two seabass steaks to the pan and lightly cooked them with some lemon slices, for extra flavor. These were then laid on top of the leeks.

Seabass steaks
" data-orig-size="1824,3264" data-image-title="Seabass steaks" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.2","credit":"","camera":"SM-J320FN","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1490724245","copyright":"","focal_length":"3.3","iso":"160","shutter_speed":"0.05","title":"","orientation":"1"}" width="251" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Seabass steaks" height="442" class=" wp-image-2209" data-large-file=";=442" />Seabass steaks
Last weekend I made a batch of cheese scones – so to use these up, they were sliced and laid on the top – a bit like dumplings. A generous scattering of cheese was added to the top, and the whole lot was popped in the oven at 180 for 30 minutes.

Seabass and leek bake
" data-orig-size="1824,3264" data-image-title="Seabass and leek bake" data-orig-file="" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"2.2","credit":"","camera":"SM-J320FN","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1490727890","copyright":"","focal_length":"3.3","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.066666666666667","title":"","orientation":"1"}" width="309" data-medium-file="" data-permalink="" alt="Seabass and leek bake" height="548" class=" wp-image-2210" data-large-file=";=548" />Seabass and leek bake
The result? Absolutely blooming delicious! And there is enough leftover for my lunch today!
The cost: Leeks 50p, Greens 65p, Seabass steaks reduced to £1.50, creme fraiche 60p… so well under £3 for three portions. And who said you couldn’t eat fab food on a budget!