Fashion Magazine

Scent Like You

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

Source: We <3 It
I don’t know about you but I find buying perfume very difficult. I really hate having to go to the perfume counters and test endless perfumes, because I find that most perfumes just smell of alcohol even after they have settled.
I have one perfume which I love and go back to time after time, and it’s Paul Smith ‘Rose’. The first time I smelt it the scent just caught my attention, I didn’t have any issues with smelling just the alcohol, however I have decided that it’s about time I found myself another scent so that I can mix them up a little.
Perfume is something that’s very personal to shop for, you need to find something that is you. I’m most often drawn to floral scents, that are often associated with being something that an old lady may wear, but I would assume that’s because I often go for ones which smell strongly of rose.
One perfume I’ve been trying at the moment is Marc Jacobs ‘Daisy’, it is one that my mom owns and she allows me to pinch it every now and again. I have found that I prefer the solid perfume, I’m just able to enjoy the scent from the beginning, but even with the spray once it has settled I do enjoy it.
Unfortunately it won’t be the next perfume I buy but that’s because I’ve found one I love more, which is Nina Ricci ‘Nina’ both myself and my mom love it after trying it out in Harvey Nichols* so I think the rush will be on to see who buys it first!
Which perfumes do you love?

Tink x

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