Food & Drink Magazine

Scenes From The Weekend

By Lilveggiepatch @Lilveggiepatch

It was a good weekend. Part life-changing, and almost all of it spent in PJs. Snapshots of the moments caught on film:

Bibimbap from Wild Ginger in Cobble Hill:


His + hers fresh juice… B isn’t sold on the 100% veggie juice yet, but I’ll wear him down



Sandwichspiration: spinach, pumpkin seeds, pears, and feta on flax bread. I’ve started eating cheese, and I don’t know what it means. It probably doesn’t mean anything, other than, well, I’m eating cheese again.


We took a new step this weekend. A big step.


It was definitely cause for jumping. And planning. And wine, and cake… lots of cake.


I’ve been reading this book called Matterhorn, about bush Marines during the Vietnam War. I’m not a big history buff and don’t usually seek out films or literature about war and military life, but I love this. It’s really powerful, and I often find myself spoiling bits of the plot for B as I read him horrific bits from the book.


It led us to watch two war movies this weekend starting with The Thin Red Line. I’ve been meaning to see it forever… it’s about an Army rifle company in the Guadalcanal battle of World War II.   


We also watched Jarhead, about Marines in Desert Storm. It always amazes me how young most military men (and women) are… as B said last night, most of the people fighting our wars and playing professional football are younger than us. It’s humbling.   


Both movies are streamable on Netflix, and have huge ensemble casts. I’m kind of a movie nerd and I can’t help (really, I can’t) shouting an actor’s name when they come on screen. Sorry, fellow movie-watchers!

Last chance to enter my popchips giveaway! Stay tuned tomorrow for the winner.

Have a lovely, lovely evening, friends.

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