- Is there such a fear in existence?
- What do you do if he/she is scared to be in a relationship?
- Can this fear subside after you have proved your loyalty?
- Is being scared to be committed a valid excuse?
#1 When is that first time you can remember feeling scared?
#2 What were you most afraid or fearful of as a child?
#3 Have you ever conquered a fear that was with you for years and now you have come to enjoy it?
#4 Think about a few things people easily are fearful of for a moment.
#5 When someone comes up behind you and you don't expect it, would saying, "You scared me!" apply to the feeling of fear or being scared for a second.
6# If you were scared to be with someone specific what would you do?
7# Have you ever been scared in or before a relationship enough to walk away?
8# If your scared to be with someone and linger them on knowing its not going to happen, or are unsure if the "no more fear," Gods will let his/her positive behavior cure you?
If you are someone who is scared to be with someone, would it be presumptuous to say you also fear:
- -Hurting someone.
- -Drama.
- -Creating more than you can handle: Dating two people. (one relationship is scary enough, bringing in two people wanting to be with you at the same time would be terrifying).
- -Dating someone or anyone who wants a serious relationship.
- -Taking things slow: no one wants a scary situation to be given to them slowly they want it to be over fast!
- -Wait for trust to develop: Trust is already apart of the whole package. Being scared can't be subsided because the fear of the relationship was there before the person was.
- -Continuing to talk this person who they are, "fearing from getting to close to because it would hurt."
- -Trying to actively conquer this fear because trust and relationships in life is something that is always at risk of happening. Flying a plane might be a conquerable fear but those who succeed usually don't have frequent flyer miles.
- -Don't date at all. If you know that you are deeply scared about getting into something serious you cannot date. That would only give you too many chances at which that fear can be a reality.

Snakes are only pets to those who do not fear them with terror. The feeling we get when someone scares us doesn't feel like anything attached to relationship emotions. If Clowns scare you, then you probably would not get as close as you could to one for a long time. If you did, you certainly wouldn't stick around as the clown friend, or take anything; especially time slow in the presence of one.
If a person is really scared to further a relationship then you can't change that by showing him/her that you can be trusted. That person needs to go get some help or find some alternative to improve that fear and in the mean time leave us all alone. Humans and there emotions can't be tested like guinea pigs to see if that "fear," will pop up or not.
If you are suggesting that you yourself have been scared of getting into a relationship you either still got into that one anyway, or you didn't really deep down like him or her.