THE ANSWER TO THURSDAY'S TRIVIA QUESTION: The FLUX CAPICITOR is the device in the Delorean that sent Marty McFly and Doc Brown to the future
Wednesdays Broadcast Top 5
Empire-FOX 4.8/12.1
Modern Family-ABC 2.7/7.7
The Goldbergs-ABC 2.1/6.4
The Middle-ABC 1.9/7.0
Black-ish-ABC 1.8/5.8
Wednesday's Cable Top 5
MLB NLCS-TBS 2.4/7.9
American Horror Story-FX 1.7/3.2
South Park-Comedy Central .8/1.2
American Dad-Adult Swim .7/1.6
Worst Cooks 7-Food Network .5/1.4
Wednesday's Twitter Top 5 Primetime Ratings
Empire-FOX 327,000 TweetsAmerican Horror Story: Hotel 129,000 Tweets
Supernatural-CW 119,000 Tweets
Arrow-CW 40,000 Tweets
Jimmy Kimmel Live-ABC 13,000 Tweets
Late Night Ratings for the Week of 10/12/15-10/16/15
Fallon .9/3.4
Colbert. 5/2.6
Kimmel .5/2.2
Seth Meyers .4/1.5
James Corden .3/1.2
Carson Daly .2/.9
Trevor Noah .2/.7
Conan .2/.5
Early Morning Ratings for the Week of 10/12/15-10/16/15
GMA 1.4/1.6
Today Show 1.4/1.6
CBS This Morning .8/.9 THE SHOWS
Scandal I was wondering how Cyrus would get his job back. It's been fun seeing him sit on his couch chowin down on cheese and brownies in his bathrobe, watching Olivia and Fitz go down in flames, but he's SO much better when he's INSIDE The White House. There he was with Mellie and a nice bottle of red when he got THE CALL. Fitz needed him back to lie and save the day and Cyrus being Cyrus played his card PERFECTLY. Don't you wish you could be THAT good on the spot like that? I guess if Shonda Rhimes was writing my lines for me, I would bet too. Anyway, Cy's back in and Portia's out. Not sure yet if she's out of the White House or out of the show, but she's definitely NOT the Chief of Staff anymore. Maybe she's now in charge of ordering the new carpet that was also part of Cy's deal to come back and save the Prez. Olivia was pretty good too last night. She hired Leo to help her out of the mess she created for herself. You remember Leo. The male Olivia Pope of DC, the OTHER fixer in town who slept with Abby and looks exactly like Dan Ackroyd. He had a great plan but then Mellie told the press about the ring Fitz gave Olivia and Leo went insane. Not sure how much Leo charges, but after all of Leo's ideas and plots, Jake's "just tell the truth" idea was what Olivia went with. Olivia went live with her story and once again we thought she and Fitz were in the clear. When will we learn? They're never in the clear! The Congressional Committee investigating Fitz found out about Olivia's kidnapping. Alllll those boxes of paper and they find the tape day one. Never a dull moment. No wonder Olivia's DVR's out of space. No time to just sit quietly, pay some bills and catch up on The Good Wife and How to Get Away with Murder.
-Simon's been DYING to be back in our living rooms. DYING. X-Factor ended a while ago, Idol's on its way out, his little son's in that terrible two stage and he's gotta get of the house. Luckily, Howard Stern announced he was leaving America's Got Talent, and Simon got on that phone, emailing, texting, and BEGGING for that gig. Sure he's a big deal at home but nothing like being a big deal here in the states. The guy's ego is way too big for just the UK. Well, it worked. All those texts, emails and gift baskets got him the empty judges chair next to Heidi Klum he wanted. Congrats, Simon…You're Baaaack!
-I could care less about I am Cait being renewed or The Whispers being cancelled, but The Alaskan Bush People are coming back on 11/11 and for me, this is the first sign that today's going to be a great day. I LOVE MY ALASKAN BUSH PEOPLE!!!!
-Great casting idea…Mario Lopez as Vince Fontaine in Grease Live. I know Grease Live's going to be cheesy but I honestly can't wait. Friday's Trivia Question: Next week, we'll take a break from our regularly scheduled trivia and go with some World Series trivia but for this lovely Friday, how about this one: Meredith Grey's Mom and Dad are currently cast members of another Shonda Rhimes show. Name the show and their characters.
WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too MuchFollow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme
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