Sauce week is over. It was delicious. Last night I felt very fake chef-like so I decided to make something that would smell very chef-worthy to people walking past my kitchen. I made, adult grilled cheese.
My grilled cheese was on rosemary and olive oil sourdough bread, with prosciutto and mozzarella. I heated up a little pre-made red pepper and tomato soup for dipping.
Here’s what we made during sauce week:
- Chimichurri (raw sauce)
- Asian Beef (marinade)
- Pan Sauces
- Molé (actual made sauce)
Here’s what I didn’t make:
- mayonnaise (I’ll probably make it later, when I need it for a recipe)
I’m still drooling over those grilled cheeses.
Anyways, sauce week was fun 1, because I made all these different types of sauces. I never knew there were different types. Each has it’s own little tricks and ways to work with the ingredients. And 2, because I got to work with a bunch of types of meat. I didn’t have lots of experience cooking pork or steak. And I always overcook fish, which I didn’t do when I made Buerre Blanc Pan Sauce. I know in the next few courses the Top Chefs will teach how to do these things more in depth, but I already feel so much better at it.
I learned how to use my food processor and I got more experience with the immersion blender. Both are very good life-skills to have. I always keep my immersion blender in my purse now and if you cross me in an alley I’ll probably use it like a nunchuk on you.
As a normal girl, who knows next to nothing about cooking… I’m starting to know some stuff about cooking. And I’m pretty much ROCKIN’ IT! Who knew cooking could be so much fun? You just have to have a little guidance… and never-ever make hummus again.