Career Magazine

Sales Training Games Without Props

Posted on the 24 January 2017 by Lifecoachbloggers

Sales Training Games without Props

Sales, Customer Service
Icebreakers, Energizers

Delivering the presentation topic effectively is one of the presentation methods and you should know how to conduct icebreaker and an energizer games effectively. Conducting sales training icebreakers, activities and games are one common assignments seen among almost all sales training facilitators. Though most commonly used in soft skill training, simple icebreaker activities seem to attract even technical corporate training programs. It is one of the team development activities in almost every office, which is primarily played to break the ice, warm-up or energize a training session at the beginning.

Icebreaker Vs Energizer

An icebreaker is conducted in order to break the ice among the audience so that they are familiar and comfortable with each other during a training program or a workshop whereas an energizer is conducted into order to bring energy among the audience. Generally, energizers are conducted post lunch in order to ensure the enthusiasm and excitement is ensured during a training session. You can energize the audience either physically or mentally by conducting activities and games.
A Professional Icebreaker will have a Debrief that includes Learning and Examples: Whether it is a facilitation of management skills, technical skills or soft skills, it is always worth spending time on debriefing and, in fact, participants will be glad to hear what they have learnt and will be amazed to know to reflect upon the learning while playing the corporate game. Besides using effective training methods and delivery tools, it is professional of facilitator to organize and structure the training games and activities, keeping the rules in place, planning allotment of time of each task, drafting the participants' learning. BREAD mnemonic is one of the facilitation mnemonics for a well planned training icebreaker activities and Energizers for facilitators.

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