Hair & Beauty Magazine

Safety When Cycling!

By Livedwithlove @kerrymarie
Following on from my Stay Safe with Santa post, I wanted to continue with the safety posts. I don't want to bring a downer on this wonderful time of year but I do want to raise awareness about cycling as many people will think it is a great alternative for getting to or from the pub/party instead of driving this New Years.
Safety when Cycling!
Here are some tips on how to stay safe whilst cycling this Winter. 
-Don't overload your backpack as it can affect your balance,
- Make eye contact where possible so you know drivers have seen you, 92% of all accidents involve another vehicle! (picture & stat here)
Don't use a mobile phone or earphones, you need to be concentrating and listening,
-Wear a properly fitted crash helmet,
-Consider a bell or horn so you can let yourselves be known,
-Always look and signal clearly,
-Always cycle on the correct side of the road-with traffic, not into traffic,
-Have front and back working lights and check before each journey,
-Always wear light coloured/high vis clothing in low visibility and at night,
-Ride in a straight line and away from the curb.
*Tips from Eversure Bicycle Insurance.
Another tip I would add is don't cycle whilst under the influence of alcohol. People assume it is safer than driving but I feel you are actually more vulnerable as you have nothing surrounding you for protection! As well as the high vis clothing, you may want to purchase a breathalyser to make sure you are not over the limit before setting of on your journey.
Do you cycle? Do you have any safety tips to add?
*This is a PR collaboration 

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