Art & Design Magazine

S is for Sirin

By Ainescannell @etchedweb
S is for Sirin
S is for SirinI came across this word a few days back whilst researching something else?  Anyway that word SIREN connected with my longstanding interest with the idea of mythological forms - and in particular- hybrids.

This image which is somewhat more recent than some of the images of Sirin I came across, is an etching with chine colle by Marina Korenfeld. 

S is for Sirin
The “Sirin” I had come across was – the half-woman, half-bird creature originating from Russian mythology.  Of course some of you will also be familiar with another term for this kind of creature "Harpy".
Although I could have chosen from a lot of older era images from Medieval times onwards  instead I selected two contemporary printmakers both of whom were former USSR citizens.  Marina Korenfeld from Ukraine and Karolina Lusikova from Belarus.

I could only find one link for Lusikova and had to put it through Google translate

S is for Sirin
What I love most about the ideas of creatures such as SIRIN is that they are HYBRIDS. …and this was a concept I first encountered when I was about 11 yrs old.  I remember making a book about Roman or Greek Mythology - it's possible that it was a combination of the two.  I think it was a self initiated project.
I had a bit of a phase I went through where I seemed to want to create a book.  It has to be made clear that I was referencing physical books as that was in the time before the internet.  I used to love going to the Library in the city.
Above:  image from one of my artists books made using a composite of trace monotypes and handwriting with some photoshop size: 30 x 20 cm
S is for Sirin
It was a treat and it was very quiet in there and the staff were friendly and what was really great was that from when I was about 12 there wasn't any censorship as to what I was reading.
Mind you I wasn't in the know of anything outrageous so I generally just loved being able to get large art books out with loads of big photos of art works in.  Being able to just do my own thing.  I have always loved books and reading.
Above: a sketch of a selkie that I first made a few years ago with trace monotype.
S is for Sirin
Getting back to Sirin and Hybrids of a mythological nature - oddly enough, the closest thing we have for a general word containing the meaning of 'half-human, half-animal' is Chimera.  which generally refers to a shapeshifter, chameleon like being.
The white image on the green leaf here is Echidna a half-woman, half-snake from Greek mythology

Well I absolutely still love creating hybrids within my own artwork. The insane thing is though, that when I encounter a fellow house resident watching a fictional TV drama such as a Zombie type weekly serial……I find it irksome as I can’t stand that kind of production.
This image is one of many used in a print series called "Animalia"(working title).

S is for Sirin
One might posit that these are mythological creatures but it's about violence  there tends to be a 'lack of plot'.  It is much the same with contemporary animations (mainly aimed at children).  I am talking here about CAD generated animations.  I tend to find these these pretty gross.  I ‘m afraid I just dont like these preferring animations created with a good amount of hand drawn material.
Above:  Sappho - my representation of Sappho for inclusion in an artists book project with a Polish artist, Anna Juchnowicz
S is for Sirin
Another fantasy creature from Greek mythology is the Satyr, a hybrid of human and goat.  Unlike many hybrids the satyr is not considered to be dangerous—apart from the fact that its character is said to be mischievous and hedonistic.
This is a drypoint on textured polypropylene.  Size 20 x 30 cm.
S is for Sirin
One might consider why it is that these hybrids continue to interest us.
Experts in the field of mythology and human behavior such as the late Joseph Campbell have posited that  that these hybrid creatures are a form of archetype,  a way of people expressing their intrinsic love-hate relationship with that side of ourselves which is 'animal' and that from which we originated.

Others would view them far less seriously, saying that these are stories and visual motifs that are just part of our cultural heritage. 
Above:  I call her my little 'she fox' a drawing made ages ago.  She has yet make an appearance in one of my artworks.
List of other hybrids in Mythology

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