Travel Magazine

Russian Economist Gets the Most Beautiful Stewardess Title

By Poundtravel
Russian economist gets the most beautiful stewardess title

russian stewardess

Anastasia Babushkina gave up his career as an economist for a flight attendant job. Babushkina, a young woman of 23 years in Nizhny Tagil, Russia, was licensed in the economy, but wanted to travel so specialized aviation writes Dailymail.

Russian stewardess shines on Hainan Airlines

Russian stewardess shines on Hainan Airlines. Bazhenova Evgenia , a Russian flight stewardess , 31, has been flying with Hainan Airlines for years . [ CAI LINHAO / FOR CHINA DAILY ]. It ‘ s been more than five years since Russian flight stewardess …

Anastasia Babushkina won the title of best hostess in Russia this week.

Anastasia believes that a career flight attendant station is more interesting than the one in economics. “I tried to find an interesting job until the third year of college I failed to do that.”

She was named the best stewardess at a beauty contest in Russia. She also worked in the modeling community, posing for a modern portfolio. Having taken the decision to enter aviation, she did not regret at all and did not look to the past. Now is the winner of 26 awards in competitions Beauty related job.

Nizhny Tagil As a native of Russia, she said she chose this path because otherwise would have had limited opportunities to travel and meet new people. Anastasia Babushkina specializes in private planes, with a small number of passengers.

Secret language of stewardesses

Attendants and flight attendants have a language “secret”, ie a series of phrases they use to describe situations that arise in their field. A busy schedule, last minute flights received, incidents with passengers – many of these situations stewardesses have a secret language so as to remain discrete even when deplore …

“Unlike large airplanes flight attendants who work, those working in the private line planes have more responsibilities.” One of the issues they raised it is visa. The job did not help her with this and had to queue like everyone else willing. Regarding the present condition Aviation Russians are afraid to fly because they think the plane shot down in Egypt by ISIS, but Anastasia says it is not scared of this, despite the large number of hours they spend in flight each week .

“You have to stay calm and act professional, or you can send your mood jittery passengers.”


Originally posted 2015-12-19 13:40:25. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

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