Books Magazine

Running: Thanking the Thief

By Mpartyka @mpartyka2
Running: thanking the thief
The NYC marathon is in 41 days. I have just two long runs left, then I get to.... taper!
I had a few not so great things happen last week, but nothing to impede training:
One day last week I woke up with two knots, in my left calf and bum.  I tried running with my compression sleeves.... the knot disappeared.  After my run I sat on the brick to apply pressure to the knot in my bum... with the brick.
Today I'm knot free, whew.
Sunday morning I posted this to my running group: I run on a rock, knot and root dirt trail, in a park with a pavilion/benches where runners store water, fuel, sweatshirts, etc (honor system). Yesterday someone stole my water/refuel and GU, creating a physical challenge as I ran 12.8 miles on 8 ounces of water... climbing 1,500 ft... and an ever bigger mental challenge wondering who would do this and why.
I haven't had a bad run, blister, or muscle pull yet this training cycle... so in a strange way this was a valuable experience as I prepare for NYC. Thank you thief, this experience can only make me mentally stronger.  
This week: Friday I'm driving about five hours to Cape Cod, with friends.  Two of us are running the Zooma half marathon, then we will sight see, enjoy the beach, take in a sunset, bliss.  I'm being kind to my body, focusing on nutrition and rest.  
Miles planned: 4, 4, 3, 6, 13.1 

Looking ahead: I signed up for the marathon lottery last November, a cyber Monday deal.  I've spent almost a year with the idea of this run.  I'm starting to look beyond November 2, to long walks, watching movies while I do cardio.  

What is your favorite workout at the moment? 

Do you use Fitbit (or a similar system)? I'm curious to see if the iwatch takes off.

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