I was first introduced to Jane Porter when she wrote Flirting with Forty. A lifetime ago. We were living in Omaha when I was introduced to her, shortly after starting a book blog. She is also one of the first authors I met, and we have remained friendly over the years.
So, it only seemed fitting that Jane's new novel would be my first book review of the year. Years really...

My Thoughts: Such a fun read for someone (me) who has spent a month in Tanzania! While subtle, it was threaded throughout the novel and read as realistic.
Then there is the core theme, midlife reinvention, and rebuilding a life that you love. Settling with contentment vs deserving more. I know so many women looking to reinvent, grow, and make changes towards simplicity/happiness. The chemistry dance between Paige and Jack was on every page, with Paige's previous marriage driving undeserved insecurities.
This was a delightful "beach" read novel that I read quickly.