We recently created an RSS feed here at Nerdy Werds and felt explaining what that is would be a great idea. RSS originally stood for RDF Site Summary, though it is commonly referred to as Really Simple Syndication. RSS is a standardized format for for news feeds. It's a great way to simplify your morning routine of bouncing around between 10 different sites. You can simply subscribe to all of those sites feeds and view them in a single place. RSS documents tend to contain summarized text instead of the full article, and other metadata, data about data in it's simplest terms.
Getting started using RSS feeds almost couldn't be any easier. First off, you'll need an "RSS Reader", sometime called a "Feed Reader" or "Aggregator". These programs can be web-based, meaning you access them on the internet, desktop based, a regular application on your computer, or mobile-device based, program on your phone. The reader I use is Google Reader, it's free, well designed and easy to use. If you log in to your Google account and click reader on the top bar, it may be hidden in the "more" options tab, you'll launch Google's RSS reader. Next, you'll need some feeds to read. I suggest you start with the site you're on right now! If you click the orange button at the top of this page, you'll be directed to our RSS feed. Then just click subscribe and you're done. Your RSS reader will update as we add content to our feed. So if you're in a hurry and just want a sampling of the articles we have available, just go to your reader. You'll see all of our headlines, when we posted them and a brief 1-2 line description of the article.