Gaming Magazine

Root Essentials Premium 2.4.1 APK

Posted on the 14 November 2016 by Apkadsense @apkadsense

Root Essentials Premium v2.4.1 APKmulti functional toolbox to your rooted telephone, pill and Android put onall in one toolbox to your rooted cellphone, pill and Android put on. This set of gear grants all you want on your rooted hand held. “Do you want extra on this multi function root toolbox? Why don’t you inform us!”
Root Essentials Premium Apk
Root necessities top rate


★Adoptable garage
enable Adoptable storage on any Android device going for walks Marshmallow or later. (together with Galaxy S7 and LG G4).

★App installation vicinity
Set the deploy region wherein apps can be installed to by using default.

★App supervisor
Get in control of your apps. View details and uninstall system apps.

★Battery Calibration★
Calibrate your battery whilst it’s far empty too quick (e.g. after ROM flash).

construct.prop Editor★
without problems edit your build.prop file.

tool data
View masses of facts approximately your device.

★DPI Changer★
Edit the DPI (liquid crystal display Density) of your device.

★Emoji Changer★
trade the Emojis of your tool. calls for Android Lollipop or higher.

Flash custom ROMs, GAPPS and more; install healing & Boot pictures. Create your personal script!

★Font Installer★
select a font to put in for your tool. Over 700 fonts to select from.

★Freeform Window Mode★
enable ‘Freeform Window Mode’ on any Android device walking Nougat or better.

★Language Changer★
exchange device language of your tool.

★Mount /device RO/RW★
Mount your /machine partition rewritable or readonly.

Reboot, short reboot, reboot recovery, reboot bootloader or just strength off.

★Root Browser★
explore all of the files to your telephone. Swipe left or proper between panels.

★Root Checker★
test whether your tool has root get admission to (Rooting calls for 3rd party equipment).

★Samsung CSC Editor★
exchange your Samsung device.

Android put on
some functions of this app are also available on Android put on. The wearable tool should be rooted for most functions and takes benefit of your handheld.
what’s root?
Root provides get entry to to all system documents underneath Linux and Android. A required device is SuperUser (alsoknown as SuperSU). The command su presents multiplied access in your files. Many ROMs consisting of AOSP, Cyanogenmod, Paranoid and Miui may be rooted or have ‘administrator rights’ blanketed within the ROM.

What’s in this version :

Icon contact Panel (“Assistive touch”) and different short moves for Fingerprint Gestures;
New language: Vietnamese (way to dovanchuc7521);
up to date languages. Translators wished for Spanish, Greek, French, Hindi, Hebrew, Italian, Russian. click on the translate button to sign up for.

Root Essentials Premium Download Link: DOWNLOAD APK (24 MB) Root Essentials Premium APK Version History:Root Essentials Premium DOWNLOAD APK (22 MB)

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