Parks and Recreation star, Rob Lowe, plays a character who lives in a fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana, and in the season finale helped main character Leslie Knope (played by Amy Poehler) win a city councillor seat in a municipal election. Ironically, he wasn’t so enthusiastic about municipal elections last night, when he was watching an NBA playoff game in a Winnipeg bar, and the “local station” interrupted the game coverage for a municipal election!
Specifically, after the Oklahoma Thunder-Miami heat game was interrupted in the fourth quarter, Lowe tweeted:
“The local affiliate is interrupting the 4th quarter of the #NBAFinals to show city council election results!!! #TrappedInAHellHole“
In further irony, “the local affiliate” wasn’t from Winnipeg, or Manitoba, or even Canada. The television station was from Grand Forks, North Dakota. We at NotTheWorstNews find this especially ironic because we always label “South Dakota” as “Oklahoma” in geography tests. (They’re that close!) Still, to be interrupted with election results in Grand Fork (population: 98,461); while in relatively cosmopolitan Winnipeg (population: 663,617), watching the ABC network probably annoyed viewers in both countries.
3 Worse Possible Interruptions of A Televised NBA Final Game For Rob Lowe
1. The Municipal Election results from Hell Hole Swamp, South Carolina, USA. “Oh we got a barn burner this year,” a Hell Hole Swamp reporter will exclaim, as Leaf Treeson, a 1,400 year old oak tree mayoral incumbent, fends off perennial challenger, Jar-Of-Tadpoles-Some-Kid-Nominated. “I don’t know how the tree keeps winning on a platform of Treason, but it’s a catchy synonym of ‘Treeson’, and people like it,” campaign spokesman Liam Neeson will say as he dumps the tadpoles in the swamp.
2. The infamous sex-tape featuring Rob Lowe, shot back from the days when he was drinking, over 21 years ago. Immediately followed by CBC coverage of Rob Lowe’s twitter feed calling Winnipeg a “hell hole”. That ought to make for some interesting bar conversation among drunken Manitoba sports fans who just had their NBA Playoff game interrupted, given that was the only playoff action they were seeing this year, as their beloved Jets didn’t make the playoffs.
3. A live to air A&E intervention for Rob Lowe, even though he hasn’t had a drink in over 21 years, featuring special guest Charlie Sheen, who failed to notice Rob Lowe has been living clean for 21 years, and hosted by a talking Oak Tree Mayor, who puts Lowe in doubt of whether he has really been clean and sober for 21 years.