Health Magazine

Risky Business

By Healthhungry @Healthhungry

What do you think of when you hear the word risk?  Is it a positive or negative thought that comes to mind?  Risks are both good and bad… right?  Which do you think of first?  Having survived yet another Fourth of July in Vancouver, WA – I had many thoughts about “risk” over the past few days.

Risky Business

Which risks are worth the reward?

My thoughts went a little something like this;

Why is it that so many men feel the need to risk blowing their hands off with unsafe firework practices, yet sharing their feelings is off limits?  When do good risks cancel out bad risks?  My dog got some puppy meds to calm him down during said holiday explosions, but surely taking those drugs put him at some kind of risk… which is worse?  When is the risk to calm worth the risk to do harm in some other way? 

Why am I willing to continue putting my joy, health, and relationships at risk by choosing less than healthy options, yet I am afraid of taking the risks to make change?  Why do I risk debt for things, but not meaning… for example I will charge clothing, but I have yet to charge a yoga retreat to my credit card…

I could go on as my thoughts did, but you get the picture.  All of this led me to make the decision that it’s time I start taking risks worth taking!  I live stuck in so much fear – yet breaking through those fears to take those kinds of risks will actually get me a hell of a lot farther ahead than taking the same old pointless unhealthy risks that keep me stuck.


Risky Business

Take a chance take a chance take a cha-cha-chance!


I am going to start investing in MY business in ways that may move me closer, because not doing so  is keeping me stuck.  I am going to start saying things I think in the way I want to say them and worry less how it will come across.  I am going to start listening to my instincts about health and ignoring the very strong force that my bad habits have on me.  I am going to analyze less and experience more.  I am going to trust that things are exactly as they should be and worry less about how I can change.  I am going to embrace the risk of being honest, often.  I am going to swear when I think it’s appropriate and not worry who is offended, because sometimes fuck really is the most appropriate word.  I am going to start acting as if I am the person I’d like to be – or at the very least I am just who I need to be already!!!

What risks are you taking in your life?  Are they moving you forward or keeping you stuck?  If you don’t believe you are worth the risk, who will?


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