The answer to Thursday's Trivia Question: Dianne Wiest played Dr. Gina Toll on the HBO show In Treatment
FIRST FIVES: Bobby Aguilera, Mike O'Dea, Karen Feldman, Monica Caraffa, & James Gabriele
Honorable Mention: Jim CarterWednesday's Broadcast Top 5 Modern Family-ABC 3.9/10.6 Criminal Minds-CBS 2.6/10.9
Survivor-CBS 2.5/9.6
Super Fun NIght-ABC 2.5/6.6
The Middle-ABC 2.2/8.2
Wednesday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5 X Factor-FOX 367,005
Premios Billboard de la Musica-Telemundo 88,038
Law & Order SVU-NBC 73,553
Modern Family-ABC 70,758
Arrow-CW 66,707 Wednesday's Cable Top 5 Duck Dynasty-A&E 3.2/7.4
American Horror Story-FX 3.0/5.5
MLB Division Series-TBS 1.6/6.0
Bad Ink-A&E 1.4/3.0
South Park-Comedy Central 1.2/2.0
Wednesday's Cable Trendrr Top 5 American Horror Story: Coven-FX 670,502
MLB Playoffs-TBS 133,755
Duck Dynasty-A&E 88,419
South Park-Comedy Central 57,778
Preachers of L.A.-Oxygen 43,191 Late Night Ratings for the week of 9/30/13-10/6/13 Leno .9/3.8
The Daily Show .8/1.8
Kimmel .7/2.5 Letterman .6/3.1 Fallon .6/1.7
Colbert .6/1.5 Nightline .4/1.6 Ferguson .4/1.5 Carson .3/1.0 Conan .2/.4
Early Morning Ratings for the week of 9/30/13-10/6/13 GMA 1.8/2.2 Today Show 1.7/2.0 CBS This Morning .9/1.0
Wow, a lot has changed for Olivia Pope in the past 5 years huh? The Sunday dinner's with Dad, the bangs, the black wardrobe, she was dating Senator Ed, Huck was still in the subway in need of some scissors, and she didn't even have her college loans paid up. Then she found out her Dad wasn't into dinosaurs and Wonderland wasn't where Alice was but a place to train assassins and she changed the hair, changed the clothes, got rid of the bangs and got engaged to the Senator. Back then, David Rosen had a beard and was also in need of a new do. Well, in 2013, Olivia's college loans are paid in full, she prefers white coats to black ones and Presidents instead of Senators. Don't you just love Scandal? LOVE. I live for the Fitz/Olivia moments, Cyrus Beane tirades and any scene where you are reminded that Mellie is brilliant and then you hate her even more. This Janine Locke ruse is too good and so is any scene with Tavares's "Disco Inferno" in it...Burn baby Burn.
It's the little moments in life that we all don't always see happening to ourselves we see happening to the Braverman family. Adam and Kristina in the kitchen, Crosby and his new daughter bonding over a bottle, Sarah and Hank looking at photos. You can almost hear them saying "remember when...". Remember when Amber and what's his name threatened my college roommate? Remember when we sat on that bench and decided what to do with the house? Remember when Victor couldn't even read...and now he's graduating from Berkley? That's why Parenthood's so special. They remind us all of our own little moments and the ones yet to come. Damn I love this show so much.
Glee Last night's episode of Glee, a tribute to Finn/Cory, was SO well done that it had me in tears for most of the hour. What I loved about it was that it wasn't about how or why Finn died, but how he lived and how he touched all of his family and friends. The cast grieved together, and celebrated his life together the way they do everything else...they sang. The tears started the second I heard "Seasons of Love" from Rent and didn't stop until the credits rolled. As always, Curt's dad had all the right words and the others dealt with their grief in different ways. Denial, anger, sadness, laughter etc. Some seemed to be suffering more than others. The mohawkless Puck and super skinny, super sexy Santana really resorted to violence. Rachel didn't appear at all for the first 45 minutes of the episode but then she sang "To Make You Feel My Love" and lost it, as did everyone else. "l'll Stand By You", "Fire & Rain", and even Bruce Springsteen's "No Surrender" conveyed the heartbreak and the feelings everyone needed to get out of themselves. Congrats to Ryan Murphy and everyone at Glee for a perfect tribute.
Parks & Recreation
With the merger of Pawnee and Eagleton, there was going to be some redundancy issues right? Leslie paired up all of the Pawnee guys with their counterparts from Eagleton. It sort of reminded me of Seinfeld's bizarro episode. There was "New Ann Perkins" whose name was Evelyn. She didn't do much talking but she sure looked like Ann Perkins. Then there was "Cool Ron" played by the guy from Mask, Sam Elliot, who's aging pretty nicely. He's got a gorgeous head of hair and a deep sexy voice. His name may have been Ron, but that was their only similarities. "Cool Ron" was a vegan, wore open toed sandals (not cool in my book ever) was a vegan, and into yoga. Ron hated "Cool Ron". The good news..."Cool Ron" got the boot. April's counterpart was Tynnafer ( I spelled it right...that's her name) an annoying non jewish jap who took her meds at xanax-o'clock. April pretended to be JUST like her and convinced her not to take the job and to leave Pawnee and head to Florida. Craig was Retta's Eagletonian counterpart. He was mega annoying but I could see him sticking around. The verdicts still out on him at this point. Ann decided to break the news to Leslie about leaving Pawnee with Chris and her oven bun. Leslie didn't take it well and had a bit of a breakdown. Of course it was the one and only original Ron who set her straight. Not sure what will happen with Tom and Rageet, but one of um's got to go and since I haven't read that Aziz Ansari got a good gig elsewhere, I'm guessing his job doing nothing is safe at this point.
The American Music Award Nominations were announced yesterday. This is the award show where viewers vote for the winners who will be announced on 11/24. click here to vote: http://abc.go.com/shows/american-music-awards/blogs/show-news/10102013-voting-opens-for-the-2013-american-music-awards
-The Kanye/Kimmel thing was of course ratings gold delivering Jimmy's best ratings ever that didn't include an NBA final lead in. 1.2RA1849.
-In NYC, the Giant game pre-empted The Vampire Diaries...that didn't make me happy, BUT I'm going to attempt to use my Google Chromcast thing to watch it tonight on my big screen...wish me luck.
-S.H.I.E.L.D. got the go ahead for a full season. No surprise there at all. Ratings and viewers have been declining since the premiere, but the show is still doing relatively well comparatively speaking.
-Next week on Law & Order SVU, Detective Munch will announce his retirement. No big sendoff or anything, he's just retiring. Richard Belzer and his
-Shark Tank just got the order for 2 more episodes...that's weird to me...2??? That's all ABC needs? 2 eps?
-Cool Sleepy Hollow info: The Sleepy Hollow premiere hit 25 million views with DVR, VOD and streaming.
Live + Same Day=12.7MMLive + 3= Lift was 3.7MM
Live +7= Lift was 1.5MM
Live + 7 new viewers from Friday encore (unduplicated)= 4.5MM
Hulu & Fox.com=1.6MM
-According to the New York Times, 1/3 of millenials watch mostly online video and no broadcast TV...I guess they aren't sports fans?
Friday's Trivia Question: Name the actor who currently plays Ryan Hardy on this FOX drama. Okay so now...what's the theme? Have a great weekend! WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme http://watchingwaytoomuch.com [email protected]