Destinations Magazine

Right Turns on Red Comes to Moscow

By Mendeleyeev

Turn right on red. Oh boy, we could play word games with that headline, but we won’t. Starting this coming Monday the city of Moscow will test the idea of allowing motorists to turn right on red at six city intersections. Hopefully the city will do a good job of educating drivers to come to a complete stop before turning on red.

This is a city where accidents are already high and streets usually congested but many other countries use this successfully as a way to alleviate traffic backups at busy intersections and the city hopes that the right on red experiment will lead to increased traffic flow.

Mayor Sergei Sobyanin with Pyotr Biryukov deputy mayor inspecting improvements near Triumfalnaya Square.

Mayor Sergei Sobyanin with Deputy Mayor Pyotr Biryukov inspecting improvements near Triumfalnaya Square.

The experiment will also be tested in Russia’s southwestern city of Belgorod.

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