Dining Out Magazine

Reviews of Reviews: The Week of November 5th, 2012

By Johntalbott

Monday-Tuesday, in A Nous Paris, Jerome Berger gave 3/5 dots to the Itineraires-offshoot 58 Quality Street, 58, rue de la Montagne Sainte-Genevieve in the 5th,, closed Wednesday lunch and Sundays heating up micro-waveable items such as sot l’y laisse,  but also serving charcuterie and rice pudding for about 15 E ; while Philippe Toinard awarded only 2/5 to Amato, 24, rue Vauvenargues in the 18th,, closed Sundays and Mondays where it sounds like the only thing that’s commendable are the desserts such as a moelleux of chocolate – an entire meal, though, runs one about 30 E a la carte.

Tuesday in Le Fooding, Yves Nespoulous reviewed Le Bistro Urbain, 103, rue du Faubourg St-Denis in the 10th,, closed Sundays, running one from 16-35 E (14.50-19 E lunch formulas ; 25-30 for dinner) for chicken liver cake, salmon and chocolare mousse.

On Wednesday in Figaroscope’s « Nouveauties A La Carte » Emmanuel Rubin gave 2 hearts to Le Cap, coordinates given before and the Bistro du Temple, 19, rue de Picardie in the 3rd,, closed Sundays and Mondays, costing about 50 E for items such as ssweetbread salad, lamb and quail.  One heart each went to Le Barbe a Papa, Les Enfants de la Balle, Taokan and Paris London.

Figaroscope’s Dossier this week by Hugo de Saint Phalle, Alice Bosio and Colette Monsat, was on annexes of seafood places :
L’Ecailler du Pichet
Le Cabanon de l’ecailler
L’Ecailler du Bistrot
Ballon & Coquillages
L’Ecaille de la Mascotte
Le Bar a Huitres Garnier
L’Ecaille de la Pontaine
Cafe Prunier
Plus : L’Ilot, L’Huitrerie Regis, La Cabane a Huitres, L’Ecume St Honore & Mercerie Mullot.

They then rated the top plateaux of coquillages from 1-10 :
Top was Jarrasse
2nd L'Huitrier
3rd - Garnier
4 - Rech
5 - L'Ecailler du Bistro
6 - Chasse Maree
7 - Prunier
8 - Le Dome
9 - L'Ecaille de la Fontaine
10 – Le Bar de la Mer.
And Francois Simon went to Wepler where he noted that it was expensive with three kids.  Go?  “¬ Arrgh…”

In L’Express, Francois-Regis Gaudry reviewed Frenchie Bar a vins, coordinates given before ; Pirouette. Coordinates given before ; Marie-Odile Briet listed Latin american places in Paris and Mina Soundiran covered three fat food places : Chipote, D’jawa & East Side Burger.

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