More delightful witchery from the Magic Trix series for young readers

In this instalment, Trix gets witching cough, which leads to all manner of mayhem on a trip to the Natural History Museum with her family and Holly. As ever, Sara Grant's gentle storytelling emphasises the traits Trix will need to be a good Fairy Godmother one day, offering sound messages about friendship and kindness to her young readers.
I was happy to see Jinx - Trix's magical kitten familiar - getting a good portion of the action in this story. I always enjoy the portions of the story told from his perspective, and it was great to see him more actively involved in the plot.
I really can't recommend this series enough. It will definitely appeal to little girls, offering them funny stories, magic and the chance to see girl characters doing things and having an impact. Great stuff!
From the Back Cover
The three signs that you may be a witch . . .- You occasionally see witches flying across the midnight sky on their broomsticks.
- Rhyming spells pop into your head at the drop of a (witch's) hat!
- You love planning magical surprises for your friends.
**********Published 4 July by Orion Children's BooksMy grateful thanks to the publisher for providing a review copy (which seems to have migrated to my daughter's shelves...)