Moon Knight is back and is being reinvented by Warren Ellis. I hate to say that I know very little about Moon Knight, but I’m going to say that I know very little about Moon Knight. I’m familiar with the character, but only from his appearances in other books. I didn’t really know the ins and outs of the character, but Ellis does a great job of catching you up in this first issue.
To sum things up, Moon Knight is messed up. He is killed in Egypt at the foot of an Egyptian gods crypt. He is reborn and has four different identities. He wears white because he likes that it lets people know that he’s coming. He rides in a large white limo with his name on the license plate. All of this makes no sense for anyone that is a superhero, but it is also so odd that you really start to dig it.
After rehashing his history, the book shows us Moon Knight arriving at a crime scene, wearing a white suit, tie and a mask. No more hood and cape on this Moon Knight. At least not in this issue. He meets up with Detective Flint and some ground rules are established. He is known as Mr. Knight to the police, which is interesting because you don’t know if this really is who he is now or if this might just be one of those personalties that were mentioned earlier. Mr. Knight gets down to business and surveys the crime scene and makes several deductions based on how the perp killed the victim. It’s very cool sequence over three pages that made me really like the character.
I try to stay spoiler free in my reviews so I won’t go into detail about the middle and end of the book because you will have to see that for yourself. Let’s just say we get some answers, I think they are answers, about Moon Knight’s four different personalities. I say I think they are answers because they really just raise more questions. The good thing is that they are questions you are interested in seeing answered in future issues.
Overall, it was a great first issue. As I already mentioned, I wasn’t really knowledgeable about the character so I don’t know how much this might deviate from what came before. All I know is that I really enjoyed the character in this book and I am curious to know if that is who we will be following or if we will see the other personalties portrayed in different ways.
Moon Knight #1Published: March 05, 2014Writer: Warren Ellis
Cover Artist: Declan Shalvey
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