Back in April I splashed out on a vintage pin-up shoot with the retro-tastic Rockabetty Studios. I’d never done anything like it before and thought that the pics would make a nice little wedding gift for Garry… Well when else can you can you throw caution to the wind and ping off you bra in the name of art?!?
The Rockabetty Team are just lovely. The whole day was giggle from start to finish and they put me at ease instantly… Perhaps the free Prosecco had something to do with that and the early bra loss!
I’m really pleased with the photos and I’m now a little undecided as to which one to send Garry on the morning of the wedding…
Our two year engagement has flown by so quickly, therefore I’m ceasing every fun pre-wedding opportunity that I can! Hmmmmm what else can I do before now and the big day (bearing in mind its just over five weeks away?!?)…
If you’d like to read more about the day of the shoot you can find more of my ramblings on Met My Match.