Food & Drink Magazine

Restoration, Relaxation, Rejuvenation

By Nutrisavvy

Sometimes we get so caught up with our lives, we don’t take a moment to breathe, let alone notice when we need a little break. I admit, I’ve been quite busy keeping up with my active lifestyle schedule and my responsibilities at home and with my girls that I haven’t really taken a moment to acknowledge my own body’s cue. So today was the day, something said “STOP” and I had to listen. My bodies way of telling me – it’s time to give yourself  a break.

So take a break and enjoy this anti-inflammatory combination: A treat your tastebuds will love and your body will thank you for.

apple blend antiinflammatory

My “sorrow story” and lesson to time time off to Restore, Relax and Rejuvenate BEFORE I get a loud, clear (painful) warning. lol!

I had stayed up late last night, rushing to finish a deadline project, I barely got any sleep as I had to wake up by 7 am to get my kids ready for school. Feeling sluggish, tired (and bloated – albeit not from too much food/drink, but rather something that occurs sometimes near my monthly cycle). I sat crossed legged on my bed and pulled one girl forward to brush her hair and then the other and then “SNAP” … ouch! I had pulled a muscle in my mid-lower back. Yikes. Figured not wise to head off to the gym today, but didn’t want to take this lying down, either.

My Remedy (for today – tomorrow I will  have to give my body some much needed care, too…)

I managed to get the kids to school, took some pain meds, applied Arnica gell and wore an icepack. Then resigned to a nice warm bath. Was feeling good enough by then to do some mild pain-relieving yoga exercises at home (Thank G-d for YouTube! – some great yoga instructional videos).Then I started some menu-development for my next work project.

I decided to fix a little anti-inflammatory snack and it came out tasty! My anti-inflammatory “Baked apple” with herbs/spices – a sweet treat with a kick and a sugar-free one, too!

Fresh fruit possesses many antioxidants, is low in calories, a source of fiber — which makes it an “anti-inflammatory food”, To add to that I seasoned it with cinnamon to liven the natural sweetness of the apple (and did you know Cinnamon contains –– which makes it anti-inflammatory too. A bit of ginger and turmeric (both containing anti-inflammatory compounds) and lastly some ground flax (which contains anti-inflammatory omega-3’s) and a dash of red pepper flakes for a kick! There – voila! My anti-inflammatory combo is delicious and heart-healthy!

Note: My oven died so I washed, and sliced my green apple, placed in a microwave safe bowl with a little water, covered, and cooked it for just 3 minutes! Voila – fast and easy for a delightful treat you can enjoy on it’s own or season to your taste.

Q1: Got an anti-inflammatory drink or combo to share?

Q2: What do you do when you body tells you to “STOP”. Do you give it time/space for Restoration, Relaxation, Rejuvenation?

Filed under: Nutri-Savvy
Restoration, Relaxation, Rejuvenation
Restoration, Relaxation, Rejuvenation

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