To celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas from now through Epiphany and to advocate for the idea of reading books to support New Year projects, resolutions, and goals, I’m writing a series of posts with themed book lists for various popular resolutions. So far…
Day 1: Be More Fit
Day 2: Be Happier
Day 3: Be a Better Cook
Day 4: Be Smarter about Money
Day 5: Be More Purposeful and Get Things Done
Day 6: Be More Creative
Day 7: Be a Better Reader
Day 8: Be a Better Writer
Day 9: Be a Better Gardener
The photo book that I used most this year and I’m still learning from is Plate to Pixel by Hélène Dujardin, the September pick of The Kitchen Reader book club. Since cameras don’t come with manuals, to speak of, these days, we’ve also found the Digitial Field Guide series published by John Wiley & Sons helpful.
I have a book on my shelf, recommended by a photography teacher, that I hope to get to this year: Photography and the Art of Seeing by Freeman Patterson.
Vicki of I’d Rather Be at the Beach chose photography as the topic for one of her books or the New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge: Digital Photography by Henry Horenstein. The subtitle is A Basic Manual and it looks like a terrific way to get started.
What books have helped you improve your photography? I’m linking this to Saturday Snapshot at West Metro Mommy Reads and hope to get responses from the regular participants in that meme.
If you’re reading books to improve your photography in the new year (or for other goals, projects, and resolutions), join us at The New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge!