To celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas from now through Epiphany and to advocate for the idea of reading books to support New Year projects, resolutions, and goals, I’m writing a series of posts with themed book lists for various popular resolutions. So far…
Day 1: Be More Fit
Day 2: Be Happier
Day 3: Be a Better Cook
Day 4: Be Smarter about Money
Day 5: Be More Purposeful and Get Things Done
Day 6: Be More Creative
Day 7: Be a Better Reader
Day 8: Be a Better Writer
Day 9: Be a Better Gardener
Day 10: Be a Better Photographer
Day 11: Be More Visual
A novel with a lot of helpful history, perfect for reading in Paris while eating macarons….
For the final day, and to link up with the Dreaming of France meme today, I went through all the Books on France that I read in 2013 and selected the ones that helped most with my general knowledge of French history and culture. I’m very curious to know what others, people who have identified as a Francophile longer than me, want to add to this list.
- Paris by Edward Rutherfurd
- The Serpent and the Moon by Princess Michael of Kent
- DK Eyewitness Travel: Paris
What books have increased your knowledge of France and the French?
If you’re reading books to become better informed about France or any other topic in the New Year, join us at The New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge!
Check out other France-themed posts at this week’s Dreaming of France collection hosted by Paulita at An Accidental Blog.