Current Magazine

Republican Allegedly Candidate Cuts Garage In Half In Dispute

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Forum News Service reports that a Republican man running for the Minnesota House (District 6A) allegedly sawed his neighbor’s garage in half in a property dispute. And then allegedly removed half the garage. Resulting in him being sued.

3 Questions That Arise From This Story

1. Since he is a Republican, does he think that by promising to cut taxes, he will also get to use said saw to cut them?

2. If he doesn’t win District 6A, will he offer to gerrymander the district by literally cutting it in half with his saw?

3. Is cutting your neighbor’s garage in half and going to court ever a better idea than trying to resolve the issue with your neighbor, or getting a court to resolve it if you can’t do that? And since he seems to think he had a good idea by not working with his neighbor with different ideas, why isn’t he running for Congress?

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