Lifestyle Magazine

Reportage Wedding Photography with Phil Drinkwater

By Claire

That’s my def­i­n­i­tion, and my under­stand­ing. The experts explain it bet­ter: read what is reportage wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy? by my friend and blog adver­tiser Phil Drinkwa­ter. Phil spe­cialises in reportage and has launched his new web­site to show­case this side of his wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy business.

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Please do explore and enjoy the wed­ding reportage pho­tog­ra­phy web­site Phil’s launched. It offers a clear and suc­cinct expla­na­tion of what reportage is all about — the expla­na­tion being in both words and pic­tures, of course!
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Choos­ing reportage pho­tog­ra­phy for your wedding

Reportage wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy will focus more on the moments than on the details of your day. If your wed­ding is all about friends and fam­ily com­ing together to cel­e­brate, then reportage could be per­fect for you.

If pos­ing for the cam­era isn’t for you, or if you want to enjoy every sec­ond of your wed­ding with­out wor­ry­ing about the pho­tog­ra­phy, then reportage could be right up your street.

If you want your wed­ding album to be full of the most ten­der mem­o­ries, the lit­tle moments you might have missed, rather than a set of for­mal por­traits of you and your guests with every­one look­ing into the cam­era — choose reportage.

Learn more here

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