The second Saturday of June is World Doll Day. Started in 1986 by collector Mildred Seeley, I first discovered this unofficial day of celebration two years ago. For those who are new to World Doll Day, the idea came about when Mildred wrote a note and sent it to her friends and colleagues in the doll world.
World Doll Day Logo
The letter read,
“So, you have not heard of World Doll Day? This is not surprising as of an hour ago, I hadn’t conceived the idea. To make it happen. I need cooperation of every doll collector, every magazine editor, doll newsletter, doll shop, library, doll maker, mother, grandmother, father, grandfather, and all the stray aunts and uncles. The first World Doll Day is the Second Saturday of June 1986. Give a doll to a grownup, child in the family or just a friend. If you don’t have a child to give a doll to – find one. There are many children with no dolls.
Think of it this way and ship a doll to another country. I have always felt that the common doll could be an instrument of world understanding. From the first time I started writing books on doll making, I had the hope that dolls would help make friends all over the world and develop a little love among all.
World Doll Day will also be a day for doll exhibits. It is my hope that all libraries will have a special doll exhibit. Museums will publicize their doll exhibits and have special doll exhibits at this time. Magazines will put out special editions. Doll stores will put on campaigns weeks ahead. Doll Makers will make special dolls for World Doll Day. There will be doll competitions with World Doll Day awards, plaques and trophies.
The logo is made from artist Boots Tyner’s doll representing a child. The child carries a German bisque doll to represent this doll collectors gift. Feel free to copy the logo or have one made.
Everyone can enjoy the fun as there are no fees, no permission needed, no obligations, nobody owns the day, no club, no company. It’s a free- for- all, take up the day, its ideas and fly with it. Lets do it now. World Doll Day.
If you think World Doll Day is a good idea, then appoint yourself a committee of one to do something about it–only then can it become a reality. Would you tell five people, ask them to tell five people, and each of them tell five people and so on. World Doll Day’s birthday is June 14, 1986.
Mil and Vernon SeeleyP.S. This letter may be copied and copied again and again until the world knows about World Doll Day.”
With another World Doll Day fast approaching, I thought I’d toss a few suggestions your way on how you might celebrate.
Give A Doll: Take inspiration from the World Doll Day logo. Give a doll to someone. It can be anyone! Do you know of a child who may like a doll? Have you been friends with a fellow collector for years and want to say thank you by giving them something you know they’ll cherish? Or maybe you want to give a gently used doll to a charity, like The Broken Doll or another local donation group, to help make a child in need’s day.
Barbie drives in style!
Host a Party or Meet Up: Not everyone is lucky enough to know many collectors in real life. If you do, why not host a party? You can do something simple, like a quick meet up at a local restaurant (dollies invited, of course) or you can go all out and host a themed event like a paper doll party or Monster High mash.
Go on a Dolly Hunt: Grab a friend of two and hit up your usual dolly hotspots. Make a day of stopping from store to store looking for new or cool items. Or, better yet, is there a doll shop you’ve been looking at visiting in or around your area? Why not check it out, assuming it’s open on Saturday. Document your day and share your findings with others via your favorite social media site, if you’d like!
OOAK Up a Doll: Most of us have dolls waiting in the wings to be customized. World Doll Day seems like a great excuse to get into action. Re-root that doll head, give your blank bjd a face up, take out your sewing machine and whip up a new outfit for one of your favorites.
Stacie Re-Root
Blog About It: If you write for a blog, share your day with your readers! Whatever you decide to do, let people know about it. Blog topics are endless– is there a doll in your collection that was gifted to you that you cherish? Why not write about it? Seeing as the original concept of the day circled around giving a doll to someone, that seems like a great tie in. If you have a photo based blog, why not set up a cool World Doll Day themed photo shoot? As I said, the options are endless because there is no ‘set’ way to celebrate.
For those who tweet, I’ll be tagging my World Doll Day Posts with #WorldDollDay as the hashtag. Feel free to do the same.
What will you be doing this World Doll Day? Have some other great ideas? Share your thoughts below.
May 25, 2015. Tags: World Doll Day. Articles and Doll Histories, Uncategorized.