Lifestyle Magazine

Relaxed Rustic Wedding Ideas in Many Teacups

By Claire

This is part two in a tril­ogy of inspi­ra­tional wed­ding shoots from my lovely friend and spon­sor Alix from Lumiere Pho­tog­ra­phy, and Val from Benes­samy Events. Together with some tal­ented wed­ding sup­pli­ers they’ve cre­ated three styled shoots to inspire you with ideas for our most pop­u­lar wed­ding themes. Last time it was coun­try ele­gance, and today we have relaxed rus­tic wed­ding style ideas. Val can tell you more. Enjoy! Claire x

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (1)

Relaxed rus­tic wed­ding inspi­ra­tion shoot

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (2)

Relaxed rustic wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (4)

The inspi­ra­tion for this theme was the nat­ural rus­tic charm of after­noon tea on an Eng­lish coun­try farm. Every­thing from the bleached pine sweat heart table infor­mally dressed with burlap run­ners, gor­geous mis­matched china and infor­mal linen to the ‘vin­tage meets rus­tic’ inspired polka dots & pin­stripes sta­tionery. Beau­ti­ful rus­tic bou­quets of hydrangeas, roses and gypsophila.”

After­noon tea would not be com­plete of course with­out deli­cious scones and cakes for all to enjoy! The hay store ‘the­atre’ pro­vided a small “off cen­tre” stage for the cou­ple to relax and enjoy a lit­tle time to them­selves before a refresh­ing glass of home­made lemon­ade from the out­door drinks sta­tion.“

Relaxed rustic wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (5)

Relaxed rustic wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (6)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (7)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (8)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (9)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (10)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (11)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (12)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (13)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (14)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (15)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (16)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (17)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (18)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (19)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (20)

Rustic vintage wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (21)

With thanks to all the lovely wed­ding sup­pli­ers involved in the shoot!

Pho­tog­ra­phy — Lumiere Pho­tog­ra­phy
Plan­ning and Co-ordination — Benes­samy Wed­dings & Events
Venue: Baw­don Lodge Farm
Styling: Darby & Joan Vin­tage and Fab­ric The­atre
Flow­ers: Tineke Flo­ral Designs
Sta­tionery: Paper­knots
Wooden Sig­nage and table num­bers: Delight­ful Liv­ing
Fur­ni­ture : The Coun­try Home
Dresses and Acces­sories: Giling & White Bridal
Menswear: Christo­pher Scot­ney
Hair Styl­ist: Ali­son Jen­ner
Make up Artist : Cristina Laz­zarotto
Mod­els – Jack Stovin, Char­lotte Wood

Relaxed rustic wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (22)

Relaxed rustic wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (23)

Relaxed rustic wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (24)

Relaxed rustic wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (25)

Relaxed rustic wedding ideas shoot Lumiere Photography (26)

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