Dating Magazine

Relationship Decision’s Of A Healthy Nature Being Put Down By Article In Wall Street Journal: The Title Of The Original Article Was Edited The Day Following It’s Release.

By Kelly Speechless @KellySpeechless

Title Yesterday:

“Overall U.S. fertility rate fell to its lowest level on record, mainly due to young women delaying childbearing.” –Wall Street Journal

NEW TITLE:.“U.S. Fertility Rate Hits Lowest Level on Record.”-WSJ

Relationships Are Hard Enough Without Having To Be Ridiculed About Decisions Both Parties Make Together! Couples who decide to wait until they are ready to have kids make this decision for a reason TOGETHER! Anyone single or in a relationship should be insulted by the original title of this article and it’s bogus information trying to blame women and the decisions they make with or without their significant other-the perpetrators in the low U.S. fertility rate.

MY COMMENT TO THIS ARTICLE AND ABOUT THE ARTICLE CHANGE, Obvious insult towards couples, and my opinion about the writer who I believe is a moron.


After the title change:

THE TITLE OF THIS ARTICLE HAS BEEN CHANGED SINCE MY PRIOR COMMENT’S. (this means that not only will my old comments appear out there, they will also not apply as much or at all to the correction the title of this article went under).

Good Morning Belated Members of WSJ!

Dear Awake WSJ,

Someone woke up and realized the writer who constructed the initial title was drunk, high, or had a severe case of short man syndrome in more ways than one. There is nothing wrong with being short. I am not talking about physical height. Physical short comings could be integrated into this definition (use your imagination) just not from  the top of your head to your toes. 

Short man or woman syndrome-Those who feel this unhealthy deep sweaty forehead, twitching anger for something about themselves they cannot change or don’t want to and decide to take all that crazy out on something or someone else.

Short Man Syndrome- THE RACE OF MAN not being able to support their heavy ego or admit the internal source for deep rooted hatred towards moment to moment conscious empty pillars of air that they exhibit with naïve exterior that looks like cognitive misplacement.

Thank you to the level headed, syndrome free employee of the WSJ, who after spitting their hot coffee out this morning decided that changing the title was now numeral Uno of Saturday's WSJ to do list.

The writer of this article, if was corrected without having a choice is most likely pouting, If the writer presented the request or had clearance and opted into doing the edit his or herself than that decision stemmed from a momentary moment of mental sobriety that we can’t rely on.

If the writer of the original title was warned in anyway they are throwing a little fit. If he He or she probably walks fast hurrying towards no real destination. This person also usually sits to wait for appointments or meetings that don't exist. He or she has short comings syndrome and although this article isn't titled with a surface deep obvious shot today it’s new ankle deep status has no humor lost on me. Overall, It is the new ankle deep title in which represents where this person probably stands in the kiddy pool.


Kelly M. Sowell

P.S If you ever want to replace Huey, Dooey, and Lewi I am a writer, and a good one.

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