Need advice now?
The address above could have your question being answered via phone instantly from your request. First time callers 10 minutes free special. This special will run out depending on applicable circumstances and will be announced first and then in effect.
1. You need advice now.
2. Email me:
3. We are on the phone instantly or within 48 hours depending on your preferences from the contact time.
Please print of save this post, or transfer it to a PDF or other document and save it for future reference. Email it to who ever you want as long as they are 18+, or use it as an emergency go to in case you ever need it.
Professional Advice: I am opening a service that allows people to access live advice pertaining to relationships and make appointments for help or advice with me. This service launches in 48 hours and the date of this post and now open for email questions and requests.
Here We Go.
First of all, I would like you to email me your story or request for a 1st time free 10 minute conversation via phone at, with a similar issue or any relationship issue. Examples are below. I am only giving free sessions for a few days or to the equivalent of 5 first time clients.
How does this work? Email me with your question or request to chat by phone. We discuss payment which is never executed until the live conversation. We will literally be on the phone and you will tell me when you made the pay pal payment and then copy paste only my company name and the dollar amount to an email. If you think that is not personable or weird then I am sorry but I only want to accept payment from those who are receiving the service right then and there.
Setting a time or talking instantly.
When you make an appointment or request to chat I will (depending fully on your preferences) set up a future time that is in the next thirty minutes, and all the way up to 48 hours in the future. I will never make a session later than two days of initial request unless an appointment or a request to do so is made my the client.
Example: You ask if I am available now. I respond that I am in the next thirty minutes for X amount of time. Then you accept of can respond that you would rather in two hours. I accept if that is open. Until this service gets going (just opened the line this week) there is not going to be an application or appointment setter for a few reasons. In the moment is what makes on demand service an option and setting time makes the on demand option not a fully functional part of this service.