Dating Magazine

Relationship Advice Help On Demand Phone Service.

By Kelly Speechless @KellySpeechless

 Need advice now?

The address above could have your question being answered via phone instantly from your request. First time callers 10 minutes free special. This special will run out depending on applicable circumstances and will be announced first and then in effect.


1. You need advice now.

2. Email me:

3. We are on the phone instantly or within 48 hours depending on your preferences from the contact time.

Please print of save this post, or transfer it to a PDF or other document and save it for future reference. Email it to who ever you want as long as they are 18+, or use it as an emergency go to in case you ever need it.

Professional Advice: I am opening a service that allows people to access live advice pertaining to relationships and make appointments for help or advice with me. This service launches in 48 hours and the date of this post and now open for email questions and requests.

Here We Go.

First of all, I would like you to email me your story or request for a 1st time free 10 minute conversation via phone at, with a similar issue or any relationship issue. Examples are below. I am only giving free sessions for a few days or to the equivalent of 5 first time clients. 

How does this work? Email me with your question or request to chat by phone. We discuss payment which is never executed until the live conversation. We will literally be on the phone and you will tell me when you made the pay pal payment and then copy paste only my company name and the dollar amount to an email. If you think that is not personable or weird then I am sorry but I only want to accept payment from those who are receiving the service right then and there. 

Setting a time or talking instantly.

  • When you make an appointment or request to chat I will (depending fully on your preferences) set up a future time that is in the next thirty minutes, and all the way up to 48 hours in the future. I will never make a session later than two days of initial request unless an appointment or a request to do so is made my the client. 

    Example: You ask if I am available now. I respond that I am in the next thirty minutes for X amount of time. Then you accept of can respond that you would rather in two hours. I accept if that is open. Until this service gets going (just opened the line this week) there is not going to be an application or appointment setter for a few reasons. In the moment is what makes on demand service an option and setting time makes the on demand option not a fully functional part of this service.

 What about a package or single future appointment?

There are packages you can buy and appointments are always acceptable to make. You can change the appointment anytime or check before the appointment if you want the on demand instant session and if I am available then that is fine. So if you pay up front to secure an appointment you only get charged once. Then if you do not use the appointment you have a credit until you want to use it. If you decide to return you no longer want to keep the appointment at all you have 14 days to cancel in which there are no returns. Change the appointment sate and time as many times as you want without being charged a fee. Buying a package, or making an appointment  is the only time I offer up front payments that is the only exception. If you don't use a package and want a return you can return them within 14 days. If you don't use them or return them after 14 days 50% of your payment will go to a Planned Parenthood charity and you will get a notice about that through pay pal or your email address (if permission is granted.)  Packages or bundles also have to be returned as a sole purchase. You can't return just part of it or two sessions of it. 

Speak Up: If you have a request for a different session price one time or are worried or think it's weird to ask me something don't worry. Just ask me. 

Is this private?

This is 100% private and all clients may ask to have a copy of my security policies that keep my clients safe. Even your email will be erased and never used for contact unless you give permission or want to get periodical discounts etc. These would be sent weekly and easy to subscribe. I do not like a bunch of emails from one source in my inbox of that sort, so I am not going to punish anyone by doing so myself.

Then if I am available at that moment then I will give you my private number which is changed with every call for your protection. Your contact number is never disclosed and here is a tip below for personal an extra level of security with my service or anything else:

If you want to call me without revealing your real number go to Google voice and connect your cell phone or land line so that it is enabled to make a call on Google voice. Call the number I gave you by using make a call on Google voice. Your phone will ring and when you pick it up, the ring you hear will be our connected call. When we are done speaking even if you want to talk again erase the number you set up and then the next time do the same thing. Regardless you are protected.

By calling you are agreeing with my policy that only allows callers 18+. So no one under 18 can use this service, sorry I know you need it to but for now post your questions or comments and I will do my best to get to them or refer you to an article that tackles that very issue. 

What are the requirements for callers? 

1. Must have pay pal account (this doesn't apply to first free ten minute clients).

2. Age 18 or over. 

3. Be appropriate (more about that below).

Can I ask you questions about this first? 

Sure. Questions before hand about the service are always free. Ask away. Email me questions and request a trial price of your own, or ask for a price sheet, or anything pertaining to things you want to know before deciding to use my service. 


I only speak English and also do not take calls that are of a sexual nature meaning: This NOT a sex chat hot line people. Sex questions are fine if they have to do with a problem or issue in a relationship or dating circumstance but nothing else. I will know what your doing if you try and block you. After that if you contact me again I will warn you and then take whatever actions necessary to make sure you won't do it again. (I am a little unique with my "taking it there," so I wouldn't mess with me.) I don't have time for it and neither do my clients or potential clients. Try it once you will be warned, try it twice you might never forget me in a way that results in a bad or action packed weekend. Basically just don't do it OK? 


I don't judge: If you think you question is about to be the weirdest, most bizarre, most messed up, shows you are horrible, or acting/feeling crazy there is about a 99% chance I won't feel that way. I don't judge you I help you based on what YOU WANT. If you know that the right thing involves you doing something your not ready to do, then we find the beset way for you to get what you want while in the place that your decision is based around. 

Guarantee: I will help you. If we aren't connecting or you think this isn't working for you in the first 15 minutes you get a full refund that day no questions asked (this will be stated before your payment and no your invoice copy).

 Is this worth my time?

I am that good and there is no one out there who does this like me. I actually care and you see what I mean when we speak. 

More about my services and what I can do for you....

Why is this so cool? 

Well if you email me and I am available we talk and get to your problem instantly. It's like advice on demand. You pay through pay pal (not new customer deal) after we get on the phone you send me the confirmation email leaving out your personal information by copy and pasting my company name, and the payment amount. Then we are good to go. Price list by request and there are many ways to do this. 

 So is this only relationship advice? 

This is the focus for the service and this blog but I will take sessions or projects for the following areas which I am an expert in the field and currently practice: 

Personal Shopper - Hair Care, Tanning options, and Bra's are some projects and or sessions I have done this week with rave reviews from the clients..

Also in the following areas: Health, Beauty, Personal Care, Women's Clothing, Lingerie, Basics: Bras, underwear, support, fixes, and under garments. 

These items are all at a discounted price including designer brands at huge discounts (no coupon queening). That is how I operate unless you don't want to ship with the store I choose and decide to buy the product retail from somewhere else. 

Promise: I only promote and suggest things I have used, seen in action (tested it live on participants), and WORK. The product I suggest, even if it is found at the drug store will always work or fix the problem. I don't suggest anything unless I know it's fabulous, amazing, or works. For example (fake name) IAMcC is a well know makeup company, that is known for it's high quality standard and is expensive (department store) and a trusted brand. 

Example of how I operate: 

IAMcC has great eyeshadow better than most depending on the color. But overall A++++

IAMcC has a mascara that isn't up to par. So much in fact that the mascara at the drug store (a well known brand) would be better or at least equal to this 32 dollar one.  

THIS WILL ENSURE THAT I DON'T BACK ONE BRAND because you can't tell others to buy one product from a brand but steer them away from the others. Plus brands never matter with personal care products it's about the product. Product lines aren't very good except with hair care, because one component is always no good or way to expensive. 

I would only recommend IAMcC for eyeshadow it if applied and would (if needed) tell you to donate that 32 to charity and make use of it rather than buy that stuff. 


Age doesn't matter. I have used and taken orally every product out there and even had a two year experience with Accutane in my teens. I know how to get rid of this today. Try me. I have tried it all many times and have been acne free, for a long time. If I get an occasional little issue, I know how to get rid of it in 24 hours so it's gone. I paid my dues in this area. I also know how to cover acne and what to buy to do so. I am a product expert and not a make up artist but when it comes to acne cover up I can direct you how to apply it in order to provide the best cover. 

Other stuff: Handbags, and Women's needs. Guy's-Hair Care, skin care and bathroom tools such as best tweezers that don't hurt for example.

Personal Finance Beginners-Are you ready to know what to do with your money or start saving without having to do anything that sounds confusing or in a language to technical or not personal? Do you want to pay zero overdraft fees? Do you want to just know if I know what I am talking about? Email me.

Friend and family Issues: ask away. 

Feeling Down or Not Attractive Lately? 

"I feel or think I look ugly, not attractive, not naturally pretty."

This happens and I can fix it. I will get you feeling better about how you look in under a week. Then I will tell you how to keep it up without a diet plan or exercise plan as the theme. I will give you that but most importantly I will show you easy ways to do this you have never heard. Then I will give you products that are under $20 dollars to make your look perk up asap. I know losing weight by diet and exercise is the key BUT sometimes you want to look good or better first to get motivated and a lot of the time people have the hardest time DRIVING to the gym not working out. I take care of the whole process that makes people want to skip working out that you will never before have thought of. Most of us are not natural freaks of nature in the beauty department but with the use of certain things can go from feeling awful to feeling proud. 

Recap of important details: Must be 18 and up and speak English. It's advice on demand. You pay through pay pal (not new customer deal) after we get on the phone you send me the confirmation email leaving out your personal information by copy and pasting my company name, and the payment amount. Then we are good to go. Price list by request and there are many ways to do this. Request for a 1st time free 10 minute conversation via phone at

This is 100% private and all clients may ask to have a copy of my security policies that keep my clients safe.

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