One of my favorite things about home decor blogs, is seeing just how CREATIVE everyone is. I always find it fascinating how people can see something old or completely dumpster worthy and turn it into something spectacular.
For instance, take a look at Renee did with this old door she got.

With a little fun she turned it into a DIY shelf bookcase (complete with light!!)
How about these re purposing home decor ideas:
This person took a cattle trough and installed a fiberglass liner in it. (She said the whole thing cost her 90 bucks!) I could definitely see this in a farmhouse style home.

Kim from Baileywife had an old water trough and her young son made it into a great console table! I love the wheels he added to it.
How fun is that?

What do you think about using old wash-bins and turning them into chic light fixtures?
Creative - huh.

One of my own TRASH to TREASURE projects was when I ran across this old 1970's painting.
It was huge and I just knew I could create something cool out of it. It didn't hit me as to what I would do with it until I started taking apart an old hanging seashell decoration. I knew I could create something either completely dorky (that looked like a potato chip collage) or something totally fun.
I'm hoping you all think it turned out fun :-)
You can see the entire 1970's painting turned eclectic art tutorial here.

And hey, if you happen to have an old rowboat hanging around your backyard, how about re purposing it and turning it into a bed. :-) I have decided this is where I want to sleep.... cuddly feather bed and all.