Lifestyle Magazine

Red Floral — the Wedding App

By Claire

One of my most top favorite (seri­ously, I love him!) wed­ding flower design­ers has just launched an app. Mat Hep­ple­stone of Red Flo­ral has caught the atten­tion and imag­i­na­tions of celebrity cou­ples, OK mag­a­zine and daz­zled crowds at wed­ding shows with his archi­tec­tural cre­ative flower design. Did you see his fea­ture on Rock n Roll Bride last week? He’s a lead­ing light in wed­ding floristry and with an app to share with his cou­ples, Mat is once again set­ting a trend for the rest of us to follow!

Creative flower sculpture shoot Red Floral by Chris Hanley

Red Flo­ral on our After­noon Twee shoot with Chris Han­ley Photography

Down­load the Red Flo­ral app here:

and let me know what you think! It’s free, there are some gor­geous gal­leries there to enjoy, and if you fall in love with his work as I have, per­haps you’ll send me a pic or two of Red Flo­ral designs at your own wedding?!

About the Red Flo­ral App for brides and grooms

An app is a far more inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ence for the bride than vis­it­ing the usual web­sites. It is acces­si­ble from their phone wher­ever they are and it does include a link through to the web­site besides lots of other excit­ing features.

1. Request an appoint­ment — rather than wait till you get near a pc to then locate the web­site and find the con­tact numbers…open your app, select “request an appoint­ment” tab and send directly to the com­pany there and then.…done.

2. A com­pre­hen­sive ques­tion­naire — this actu­ally cov­ers most of the basics for you to be think­ing about in plan­ning for the cer­e­mony AND recep­tion, you could use this as a prompt/ plan­ning tool and if using red flo­ral for your flo­ral artistry, can send it there and then directly to the com­pany so they can go through the detail prior to your appoint­ment. Your appoint­ment is there­fore well time man­aged and the major­ity of it can be spent on the cre­ative look of your wed­ding than wast­ing time wad­ing through the basic information.

3. Mood­board cre­ation — there is a tab within the app that offers you the facil­ity to cre­ate your own wed­ding mood­board. It is linked to Pin­ter­est so there is already a wealth of fab­u­lously inspi­ra­tional images on there as well as Red Floral’s boards that you can select images from. Again, this is fun to do and if some­thing catches your eye while you’re out and about you can pho­to­graph it in the app and add it to your mood­board there and then !…again, this can be sent directly from your app to the com­pany in prepa­ra­tion for your appointment.

4. A bridal plan­ner that gives you a count­down of things to do and by when — on your phone.…constant access

5. By hav­ing the app on their phones they will be given the oppor­tu­nity to accept PUSH noti­fi­ca­tions from the com­pany. These could be regard­ing appoint­ment times that have become avail­able, upcom­ing events, spe­cial offers etc. App users will receive these instantly , so faster than any­one just log­ging onto the website.

6. Send an email to the com­pany, give your feed­back, access all the company’s social media — Twit­ter, Face­book and YouTube as well as their web­site all directly from your phone any­time, any­where instantly acces­si­ble from the palm of your hand.

Do your wed­ding sup­pli­ers have apps? I’d love to see, if they do!

The Red Flo­ral app was designed and cre­ated by Tracy St Clair and Kel­liejo Swanston of Smartly Applied.

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By Shirley
posted on 02 July at 13:07
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