Comic Books Magazine

RED CITY #1 Review

Posted on the 11 June 2014 by Geekasms @geekasms

Red City #1 is exactly what I want from an Image comic.  It has a very interesting premise, great art and a lot of style.  It actually reminded me a lot of Men In Black mashed up with an old school crime story. 

Our story centers around Cal Talmage who was born and raised on Mars.  He was a cop there, but now is a Federal

Security Officer.  We start out in present day, which is very different than our present day, then jumps back a few days.  Talmage catches us up with a monolog that tells us the entire solar system has been united under one government and each planet acts like a state. 

Talmage is a snarky, quick witted guy and he keeps the levity up throughout this issue.  He is sent on a mission by a guy that looks like a cross between Ronald Reagan and Tommy Lee Jones who doesn’t like Talmage’s sense of humor.  He is to go back to Mars and use his connections to find Mercurian Ambassador’s daughter. 

Mars is represented here kind of like the New York City of the stars.  It is the central hub of all activity and entertainment.  It has a seedy underbelly and Talmage makes his way through it with jokes and a decent amount of threats.  Unfortunately for him, it seems that someone knew he was coming and he ends up in some hot water. 

I really enjoyed this book.  I liked the humor and the crime noir feel was exactly what was needed to keep me interested.  It’s a mixture of other things, the previously mentioned Men In Black.  A little Babylon 5 thrown in.  A healthy dash of Total Recall.  It all comes together really well and looks like another great Image book.   

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