Right before they went into the smoker.
Quick Instructions (details below)
Remove skin from drumsticks.
Apply a rub to the meat.
Wrap a piece of bacon around each drumstick.
Smoke until done. I kept the temperature of the smoker around 325 degrees as consistently as possible. They were done in an hour. Be sure to test with a meat thermometer.
Roll in a hot wing/buffalo sauce and serve!
The Rub
I didn't measure, I tend to pour until it's the right color and scent. They are listed in order of amount used:
Season-All Salt
Cayenne Pepper
Crushed Black Pepper
Ground Cumin
Garlic Powder

Right after smoking.
Put your rub on the drumsticks. Then cover each one with a strip of bacon. I used a strip of bacon since I removed the chicken skin. Since many people do not like the skin, I replaced it with bacon. It holds in the moisture, enhances the flavor and offers a nice texture to bite through.
Smoke your seasoned, bacon-wrapped drumsticks until done. I tried to maintain the smoker's internal temperature as close to 325 degrees as I could for the hour it took to cook the drumsticks to 170 degrees. They only took about 1 hour to reach this temperature.

In the hot-wings/buffalo sauce.
The Hot Wings SauceThe ingredients are an adaptation of what I found on the Louisiana Hot Sauce website.1 stick melted butter1/2 cup Louisiana Hot Sauce1 tablespoon Honey.
After the drumsticks came out of the smoker, I rolled them around inside of the pan of my hot wings mixture. It's not a super thick hotwing sauce, but it did the trick!

This is all that was left.
I didn't have a chance to get a good picture to show you the plate of the finished drumsticks. As I was pulling them out of the sauce, 5 teenage boys and my husband swooped in and gobbled them up.
They say they were great! One of the boys said "You combined my favorite ingredients: chicken, bacon and buffalo sauce!"