It’s still cool enough to be yummy soup season and after inspecting the lonely and neglected piece of pumpkin wallowing in self pity at the bottom of the fridge yesterday I decided that today needed to be soup cookup day.
You’ll know from previous posts that it is only the glory of a recently refurbished kitchen that inspires any such plan and that this whole cooking business is quite out of character for me. I must say (very quietly shhhhhhhh) that I am starting to enjoy it … and I do hope that one day I may even reach the giddy heights of being ok at it.
Today’s recipe is an original creation – straight from my fridge to the pot via a brainstorm on the way, so here it is in case you’d like to give it a crack sometime.
Ingredients (aka stuff to chuck in)
big chunk of pumpkin, saved before it got too dodgy
2 small/med onions
teaspoon jar garlic (I’m sure some people use the real stuff though)
sprinkle curry powder – not much, just a little
3 rashers of bacon
3 sweet potatoes
2 chicken stock cubes
water – probably just under a litre
Method (aka how I made the stuff taste good)
1. in a big pot use a wee bit of olive oil to lightly fry chopped onion, garlic and finely diced bacon
2. sprinkle in a bit of curry powder and cook though. Stir all this while it cooks for a bit until the bacon and onion are cooked.
3. toss in chopped chunks of pumpkin and sweet potato. Stir this around for a bit too.
4. dissolve 2 stockcubes (I used chicken but beef would be ok too, I think) in some warm water
5. add stock mixture and about a liter of water to the pot
6. cook on med/high until the pumpkin and sweet potato are soft and mushy (is there a proper cooking term for that?)
7. get the stick blender and whizz the buggery out of it until a noice smooth soup
I am going to have this for dinner tonight with some toasted rye bread. YUMMO!

For some alternatives, you could leave out the bacon and add some coconut milk for a Thai influence (doesn’t that sound a bit fancy!) or you could sprinkle in some crispy bacon bits and maybe even white potato would be nice in this too!
Do you have a yummo soup recipe to share? Maybe a concoction that is an all-you original? Would love you to share

Linking up today with Jess at Diary of a SAHM and her IBOT