hey everyone!so these are some beauty items that i've purchased recently!
1. Aussie 3 minute miracle deep trearment - i got this because my hair's been looking a bit dry lately, and i wanted to get a nice treatment for it. i've never actually used a treatment on my hair before, but aussie has a great reputation and smells yummy so i thought i'd pick it up. i got 2 because they were buy one get one free in superdrug!i'll do a more in-depth review when i've used it a few times :)
next, i went into boots and saw that natural collection were doing 3 for £5 again, so i thought i'd pick a few things up.
pressed powder in cool - this is basically just a repurchase. i absolutely love this powder, but as you may have seen in my everyday slap post, it smashed :( so i brought a new one, its the only powder i've ever used and i think it's brill!
blush in 'rosey glow' - this is such a gorgeous color - it's a kind of dark pink colour, great for autumn! i prefer these sorts of colours to baby pinks for my cheeks. and these are matte aswell and i'm not to keen on shimmery blush so i think i will be picking some more natural collection blushes up!
lipstick in cranberry - this is a gorgeous colour! a dark pink, yet it's still quite bright (i do hope that makes sense.) it doesn't dry my lips out TOO much, but it's always best to use a lipbalm with these. they don't do wonders for your lips but they do such lovely lipstick colours that i couldn't resist!
collection 2000 lasting perfection concealer - i heard all they hype about this and i was like 'how can a drugstore concealer be THAT good?!' well, it is. it's actually so so so amazing. it covers up the redness i have around my nose like a treat, aswell as any blemishes. i now feel 100% confident just using a tinted moisturiser and this concealer because it is the perfect coverage for me. infact, the other day i went to my friend's for the night and forgot my tinted moisturiser, so i just used this concealer and powder and it didn't look TOO bad.. but i'll still use the tinted moisturiser. i definitely recommend this concealer :)
if you have any requests, please do leave them in the comments!
thanks for reading!maddie xx