Iapetus Wine is located in the Lake Champlain Valley in Shelburne, Vermont. Tectonic is a wine made from 100% La Crescent, a cold-climate hybrid varietal.
" data-orig-size="3024,3024" title="Iapetus 2016 Tectonic" data-image-title="Iapetus 2016 Tectonic" data-orig-file="https://binnotes.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/img_6878.jpg" style="width: 764px; height: 764px;" itemprop="http://schema.org/image" height="764" width="764" data-medium-file="https://binnotes.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/img_6878.jpg?w=300" data-original-height="764" alt="Iapetus Wine 2016 Tectonic, Shelburne, VT." data-original-width="764" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"1.8","credit":"","camera":"iPhone 7","caption":"","created_timestamp":"1527527026","copyright":"","focal_length":"3.99","iso":"20","shutter_speed":"0.0016077170418006","title":"","orientation":"1"}" data-large-file="https://binnotes.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/img_6878.jpg?w=768" /> Iapetus Wine 2016 Tectonic, Shelburne, VT.Hi All,
As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m in the process of rebranding from binnotes.com to L.M.Archer.com.
Expect a change in domain name, social media handles, and migration from binnotes to L.M. Archer in late June.
As you can see by this post, I’ve been experimenting with formats, hence the change-up here….though not so fond of this layout’s green underlines.
Anyway, I’ll keep you in the loop as the migration to the new site and updated social media looms, so you can get use to the idea of looking for posts by L.M. Archer, not binnotes.
Making these changes while under deadline and traveling isn’t easy, so appreciate your patience, good humor, and understanding…
In the meantime, please be sure to join me tonight at my favorite virtual tasting community #wineStudio, where we welcome Vermont winery @IapetusWine to taste through their 2016 #Tectonic. Not only is the wine an outlier, but so is the wine region, part of the Lake Champlain Valley.
Unusual for many reasons, Tectonic is an orange wine produced from cold-climate aromatic hybrid 100% La Crescent. Winemaker Ethan Joseph macerated the juice for 50 days on skin in stainless steel tanks, then aged it in a combination of neutral oak and stainless vessels. The resulting wine takes on the hue of apricot, with notes of honeysuckle, melon, and ripe stone fruit.
Learning about the wines of Vermont has opened my eyes to new possibilities in the realm of cold-climate varietals, as well as emerging wine regions, for which I am grateful.
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