Well, let's just say last night wasn't your typical Tuesday night for this guy. On most occasions I would be home hanging with the family just enjoying a night of whatever we could find on the boob tube. Not last night. Nope, last night I made my way down to Niagara Falls, Ontario to catch Country Superstar Reba McEntire in what I truly believe is one of the best concert venues in Ontario. I was here over a year ago to catch Dierks Bentley and fell in love with the venue then. For those of you that haven't made a trip to Fallsview Casino for a show I can honestly say you are missing out. The great seats, the amazing staff that is so helpful in getting you around the place, particularly the older crowd requiring additional assistance - those needs were being met last night. That being said, this wasn't the prototypical country crowd of 20 somethings that have been drinking all day and were there to party! This was a more mature crowd maybe so much so that I could have been seen as one of the younger folks in the audience (wishful thinking, I know.)
It was a beauty drive down the QEW with the sun shining and the tunes cranked. I couldn't wait until Reba hit the stage. When she did, it was lights out. Now let's get things straight this isn't the big Las Vegas show with what I assume will be all the glitz and glamour you could imagine. This was a stripped down set; it was really just the band on black risers and the Casino's Light show. No large screen projecting anything on the back drop, just the powerful voice of Reba to fill the room, which was more than enough.
The band took the stage as the lights in the room dimmed. The crowd began to cheer and from the side of the stage, with no flashy entrance, Reba appeared in a simple shiny silver top, black pants and knee high boots. The night was filled with her performing some of her biggest hits such as her 1 st Number One back in '83 Can't Even Get The Blues and really it just snowballed from there. With a set list filled with hits such as Why Not Tonight, Consider Me Gone and her more recent hit Turn On The Radio.
Reba is about to release her first album in over 5 years, "Love Somebody" with Big Machine / Nash Icon on April 14 th and from what I heard last night I can't wait to hear the entire album. Please forgive me in all the excitement I totally missed the name of the first song she sang off the new album ( But.... Thanks to Louisa a Twitter Reader mentioned the title is likely Until They Don't Love You and is sounding about right.) I can tell you it had a killer guitar riff and was not your typical Reba track. Heck, Reba even interjected between songs saying "Now I know what ya'll are thinkin' - that didn't sound like Reba...." And she was right, but the way that country music has evolved in the last 5 years it's interesting to see the Queen of Country follow suit and have songs that have that extra punch. The second song she sang off the new album was her fist single Going Out Like That. Now i have been cranking this one in the car for a good two weeks already and have to say the BIG sound and killer vocals totally bring the performance to a whole new level. You could even see it in the band. As soon as the new stuff started the heads were bopping and they got more involved on stage. When Reba sang the lyrics of the new single "Hey everybody here comes the life of the party" The show seemed to turn, It was more of a party now. The pace was faster and the crowd was loving it! You could tell Reba was enjoying the new stuff as she was strutting across the stage and making the spectacle a little more in your face. There were two young ladies in that were in the 3rd row that were on their feet for the new stuff and you could see how much Reba appreciated that by acknowledging them a couple times. It's that type of fan interaction that artists like Reba are so gracious with and always happy to give a wave or a wink.
Now I have a couple personal favorite Reba songs and let's just say they did not disappoint. Reba's AMAZING rendition of The Night the Lights Went Out In Georgia and of course her amazing Fancy were my personal favorites of the night. I love the new stuff but being able to belt out Fancy as her Encore and seeing her in that little red dress was the highlight of the night. Reba has one more show tonight down at Fallsview Casino and if you can get a ticket GO! Trust me, if my strong use of caps in this article is any indication, you won't be disappointed!
Thanks Reba for a heck of Tuesday night!
Corey Kelly / @CoreyKelly76
For more info on Reba check out the links below. Her new album hits stores and iTunes April 14th but pre-order it now and get access to her 1st Single now.
Reba - Website
Reba on Facebook
Reba on Twitter

Well if your reading this you must really be bored... So I was born and raised in a small town and have a thirst for good Canadian Whiskey.