Family Magazine

Real Supermum In Running For #Bibs Award – Vote To Help

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

image 1367939188124743 Real Supermum In Running For #Bibs Award   Vote To Help

The kids were eager to read the weekly local newspaper this week as we were featured inside.

I have stepped right out of my comfort zone and opened up the blog to not only family and friends but to the whole community where I live.

Will reading about my bizarre life and the rather controversial topics that I write about scare the poor folk in my home town?

I guess if people start crossing the road when they see me, or all stand crowded in one corner on the school playground on the school run, I know why.

But it’s all in the name of a good cause; I made the shortlist for the Brilliance In Blogging Awards 2013 and for that I feel rather proud.

I am passionate about raising awareness of mental health and opening people’s eyes to a variety of taboo topics that we mums live with.

To make the shortlist is an amazing accomplishment – can we go further? We could if you vote!

There are 15 other blogs up against me, all are great blogs written by great bloggers.

I am hoping that the fact that my own blog has its own uniqueness that will make it stand out.

Are you ready to vote? 

Six bloggers will go through to the finalist stage, 4 with the top votes and 2 chosen by the BritMums team and then it’s down to the judges to decide.

The Inspire Category Shortlist


A Year Without Supermarkets
Alexander Residence
Alice’s Studio
Anecdotes of a Manic Mum
Clarina’s Contemplations
Crazy with Twins
Downs Side Up
Frugal Queen
Just Bring the Chocolate
Mummy from the Heart
Mush Brained Ramblings
Our Life with Leukaemia
The Oliver’s Madhouse
The Real Supermum
Thinly Spread

Lets get mental illness noticed and VOTE for The Real Supermum today.

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