{source: Darling Magazine}
Hello friends,The power of Instagram has introduced me to wonderful new online content: blogs, websites, shoppes, and magazines. Yes, magazines!
I remember signing up for my first magazine subscription, I was nine or ten years of age, Outdoor Magazine my coveted selection. Reflecting back I didn't read the articles, it was the thrill of seeing animals in the wild that caught my attention, along with mail addressed to my young self.
I'm sure my parents were perplexed with my choice, I believe it was mostly a hunting rag in the seventies. At some point I broke up with Outdoor and Seventeen became my treasured magazine, for years.
What I am reading: Darling Magazine is dedicated to being a woman, all things pretty and smart! I love, LOVE this quarterly publication which arrives in a box and is so pretty I can hardly break the binding. Thankfully the magazine is also available online. Read it, you'll love it!

This photo is 17" high... and includes only magazines I read (fashion, food, gardening, fitness/yoga, literary). I almost never read them, when the pile reaches a tipping point I drop them off at random places with waiting rooms. I keep Atlantic, Yoga, and Food & Wine... my I used to enjoy them/someday will read them subscriptions.
Confession: 99% of my reading happens on my ipad, maybe I should make time to download e-copies of these magazines...
Do you still find time to flip the pages of a favorite magazine? Have you discovered anything new recently?