Fashion Magazine

Reading Habits | Tag

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

The Reading Habits Tag

I thought that seeing as it’s #sunathon this week, i’d do the reading habits tag which Katie tagged me in a couple of months ago.

Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

I either read curled up on the sofa, or snuggled up in bed. I dream of the day when I have my own library and a big comfy chair to curl up on.

Bookmark or random piece of paper?

I try to use a bookmark, however on the odd occasion it will be some random receipt I’ve had to hand.

Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter or certain number of pages?

I prefer to get to the end of a chapter before I stop reading, but sometimes chapters are just too long and so i’ll find a nice paragraph to end at.

Do you eat or drink while reading?

Yes, I like to curl up with a book, glass of wine, and some chocolate, it makes reading that extra bit nicer.

Do you watch TV or listen to music while reading?

I do pop music or the TV on as I like to have background noise, it doesn’t stop me from getting into the book and then just blocking it out completely.

One book at a time or several at once?

Several at once, my TBR on Monday shows just some of the books I have on the go at the moment. Sometimes I just can’t get into a book, so I like to pick up another one, and then if I struggle with that one another one. If I buy a new book I often just get so excited and need to start it right away. I’ll then flick between the books I’m reading, or just pick up the one nearest to me when i want to sit and have a read. However, reading several at once can mean it takes a while before I finish a book.

Reading at home or everywhere?

I do most of my reading at home, if I’m traveling somewhere i’m usually driving so it would be dangerous for me to drive and read.

Reading out loud or silently in your head?

Silently! It really annoys me when people read out loud, and I hated it in school when the teacher made someone read out loud. I just used to read ahead, because it majorly irritates me when people pronounce words wrong, and if I was reading ahead I would just ignore them. Never worked out so well when it came to my turn to read, as I had no idea which point in the book everyone else had got to.

Do you ever read ahead or skip pages?

No, you can’t skip pages or read ahead, it’ll just ruin the story!

Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?

Keeping like new, most of the books on my bookcase have spines which aren’t broken. The ones which do have broken spines are favourites which have been read so many times that the spine can’t help but break, or they’re books I’ve bought in the charity shop.

Do you write in your books?

No! I will only write in text books, and even then it’s in pencil. I hated having to write in books when I studied A Level English Lit, I didn’t write in my book and made notes in my notebook.

I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to learn a little more about my reading habits, if you fancy doing the tag and sharing yours then please consider yourself tagged.

Beth x

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