Hello fellas, today I am going to tell you about a new app which would make your sharing a little easy. This is a great app and believes me because I am telling you from the experience.
So, I was told by someone to check out that a particular application on the play store. The name of this application is Reach App. N0w the features of this app are really great. So, I tried it for a week and here is my review.

So what this app basically does is, it lets you share your files. But for this to work, you don't need to be near from the device. I mean, you can share the items in your phone from anywhere.
For example, what will happen if you go on a trip and a friend capture all the photos. Now, it would be a lot of work for him to send these photos to every other friend. Instead of doing that, he can just simply share it with Reach App, and all the friends can take those photos without any hassles.
Reach App - How it works?

When, I used this app, the first thing came to my mind was, that how this thing works. I mean, it can send the data from my phone to their central server and then my friends can download that data from there.
But this is not the way this thing works.
It does not use any server that uploads the data. It uses the P2P or Peer to Peer connection. That means, there is no middle person who is managing the data. You will be the sender and the receiver will directly connected to you. So, by that your privacy will also remain safe.
This is a great feature, but this feature is a double edge sword. I mean, to share things the sender and receiver have to be connected to the internet. And, if you have a high-speed network and sender has a slow uploading speed, then you will get very low downloading speed.
Basically, it's like Torrents which is also work on P2P connections.
Reach App - Features
More to sharing just photos, with this app you can share music, videos and even apps and games. It also has a discovery feature which is quite interesting. By this feature, you can discover the popular things among your friends.

For example, if I like a song too much and I am listening to it all the time then it will be shown on my friend's discovery section.
By that feature, you will get new content and will know what your friends are doing.

More to that, you have the ability to set your apps to private or public. If you choose to put them in private mode, then your friends can't see them. And, if they are on public mode then your friends can see them and download them through your phone.
So what are you waiting for Download the app and try it yourself.