Current Magazine

RCMP Gives Rob Ford Jaywalking Ticket

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

The Canadian Press reports that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford got a ticket for jaywalking in a suburb of Vancouver, British Columbia on Friday.

3 Questions That Arise From This Story

1. Meanwhile on Friday, Bill Maher, on Real Time asked a Canadian politician why Canada had suddenly become less boring, following recent Rob Ford and Justin Bieber scandals. Did the RCMP know about this and give Rob Ford a boring ticket intentionally, to restore Canada’s boring image?

2. Were horses involved in this shakedown? Because, hey RCMP, we don’t care what anybody says, if you are giving tickets to a big city mayor while mounted on horses, that is not boring in our books! That is a few steps away from a Kentucky Derby breaking out, and we are not betting on any horse named Mayor Ford.

3. Or were the tickets given from a popular Canadian police vehicle, the Ford Crown Victoria? Ford getting a ticket from a Ford? And the ticket is for walking and not driving and reading (which the mayor has been known to “probably” do)? That’s also not boring. Canada, you’re still exciting.

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