
Raw Chocolate Chia Mousses!

Posted on the 04 April 2014 by Sophies Foodie

Today, I made these tasty easy to make Raw Vegan Gluten-free chocolate chia mousses, Ooh yes! I had raw cacao nibs in my pantry & wanted to use them in these tasty chocolate chia puddings! A while ago, I made these other vegan carob chia puddings with a special ingredient, you can read all about it: here!

MMM,..Raw Vegan Deliciousness! A real mousse!

MMM,..Raw Vegan Deliciousness! A real mousse!

A real vegan raw GF mousse!

All stiffen up, you see?

Recipe: For 3 desserts!


1 cup home-made unsweetened almond milk

2 pitted medjool dates, torn up with your hands

1/3 cup raw cacao nibs

1 ripe banana, peeled & cut up into 2

1/2 cup black chia seeds ( do not add this into your Vitamix!!! )

To serve: scattered white almond flakes over the top middle of each pudding!


1. Take your Vitamix & place almond milk, banana, cacao nibs & 2 dates into it. DO NOT ADD THE BLACK CHIA SEEDS!!!!

Place fitted lid & tamper too. Blend on high-speed until everything is fully joined. This will only take about 10 to 20 seconds. Use the tamper by pushing the ingredients in the running blades. Taste! You must taste the almond & the chocolate, of course! ;)

2. Pour this mix into a bigger bowl. Now, add 1/2 cup of chia seeds to it & mix well with a wooden spoon. After a few minutes, the brown mix will thicken a bit. Stir well. After 15 minutes, the desserts have thickened a lot. Now, mix through again with the wooden spoon & place dollops of the pudding into 3 lovely see through fancy dessert glasses. Scatter some white almond flakes over the middle top of each dessert & place into the fridge to get cold & to stiffen up alot more. After 3 to 3.5 hours, your mousses will be very stiff & ready to devour!!!  ;) Enjoy with loved one’s!!

Raw, vegan, Gluten-free power desserts, ready to pop into the fridge!

Raw, vegan, Gluten-free power desserts, ready to pop into the fridge!

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1. Vegan carob chia puddings with a special ingredient!

Filed under: Dairy - Free, Dessert, Egg - Free, Gluten - Free, Raw, Vegan, Vegetarian
Raw chocolate chia mousses!

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