Entertainment Magazine

Random Question: Not Quite Silent

Posted on the 08 November 2011 by Tjatkinson @T_J_atkinson

I have already written a post for today. It was a list. But I’m sitting here bored, on my iPhone, trying to think of something to do. So I’ve decided to ask a Random Question, as I do sometimes. This one might require you to think back on your film experiences, but there’s nothing wrong with that, right?

Today I’d like to ask you: What are some (if any) of your favorite movies which have little to no dialog and are focused more on what is happening visually rather than what is being spoken, or adversely, you could also name a film that relies heavily on dialog with very little focus on visual images? Those are two questions I’d love you to answer. For the first one, silent movies do not count. It has to be a movie made with sound. Some of my favorites include, for the image-driven movies, films such as The Brown Bunny or Gerry. A favorite film of mine that mainly focuses on dialog is Abbas Kiarostami’s Taste of Cherry, which I shall be reviewing tomorrow, but then again, there are some long stretches without dialog in that one too.

Anyway, forgive my rambling and just answer the question/s. This is just me posting something random but I’d really like to know what your thoughts are, and perhaps get some film recommendations.

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