Fashion Magazine

Rad Fat Swap!

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

Hello Folks,

Yesterday I made my way to Leeds for the plus size clothes swap, though I had a slight disaster when I made it to my look train stop to find that I didn’t have my debit card, I had a wee bit of cash though so I knew I could get to the swap.

I met Steph at Leeds train station and we made our way to the swap together, it was my first time going, last time I was unable to go because I’d lost my debit card (I must be jinxed or something!). It’s only a short walk from the train station to Wharf Chambers where the swap was held, I had a rough idea of where it was because I knew it was by the corn exchange which I remember from when I was about 14/15 and me and my friends would spend most Saturday’s shopping in Leeds. When we arrived there were plenty of ladies there and tables piled high with clothes, we quickly unpacked the clothes we brought with us and had a good rummage.

I found plenty of lovely things! I told myself I wasn’t going to come home with as many clothes as I took because I don’t have the space, but the wee suitcase I took with me was full again.

After the swap we popped in to see Chloe at Life’s Big Canvas, she’d very kindly given us a discount in her shop, unfortunately I was unable to buy anything but I do want to marry her shop, it’s absolutely amazing!

We went out to Zizzi’s for tea, Chloe had very kindly lent me some money so that I didn’t have to miss out on food, I think there was about 20 of us who went for food. I had three courses which is very typical for me, but the food was so filling and I was unable to finish my Tiramisu

Sad smile

It was lovely to spend the day with so many fabulous fat ladies, and I’ve managed to refresh my wardrobe without spending a penny on new clothes! So a big thank you to Rebecca and Laura for organising it, i’m looking forward to the next one!


This is my favorite find at the swap, and it was made by Rebecca’s mum!

Today I’m wearing this leopard print cardi that I snapped up yesterday.

I didn’t get many photos, however you can find many of the swap and our meal out here,

Tink x

Also don’t forget about my birthday giveaway there’s still 11 days left to enter!

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