Lifestyle Magazine

Race Day! Rocking & Rolling in Washington DC

By Verybusymama @verybusymama
I'm off to run the Rock n' Roll Half Marathon in Washington, DC (that's 13.1 miles) and the Mr. and I are very excited to run it together. We usually run at very different paces but he agreed to "slow down" and race this one with me.
Of course, I have my running gear and outfit all don't expect me to just wear anything, do you?
Workout and running gear are also very bright for the Spring and I indulged in pink this year. First time I have ever worn so much pink in my life, but I'm enjoying it!
Here's what I'll be suffering running in and carrying along the way:
Race day! Rocking & rolling in Washington DC My pink & grey New Balances - love these!
Race day! Rocking & rolling in Washington DC Of course my number! And it's pinkish/red which is a bonus
Race day! Rocking & rolling in Washington DC My pink & brown band RazzyRoo Headbands kindly gave me to add a finishing touch to my running look
Race day! Rocking & rolling in Washington DC My running pack and a Marathon Bar (or two) which have kept us energized on our runs & will get us through the race
Race day! Rocking & rolling in Washington DC And lastly my bright pink Champion top from Target. Their running gear is amazing quality and affordable! I got this top for $9 on sale.
A few other items: chapstick, Vaseline to lather my feet in and water which they will have along the way. I don't like carrying too much when I run because it just gets in the way. 
Last year at this time I was a few weeks away from running the London Marathon...let's hope today is a good race and I make my goal of running it in 2 hours 15 minutes. 
See you at the finish!

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